First try 28 days. Goal achieved. Past experience

A few months ago I decided to constrain for 4 weeks in order to find out what it would feel like. I’d never done anything like that before but I felt pretty confident. I was led by my curiosity and ambition. The first 1.5 weeks were the hardest time. I had an erection at work and couldn’t really think about anything else. Later in the evenings, (ones may consider it breaking some rules) I was watching porn almost every day in this period of time. I was even jerking a little but never did I commited an ejaculation. My brain required this usual action - the one that I was used to so much. It is a very dangerous thing… It is like playing with a sharp knife… I don’t recommend doing it because chances you relapse multiply. Also you still trick your dopamine system and it is not good for you either. But after this first period something broke and the 3rd week went by very rapidly. The 4th week was also dull and I didn’t have much urge in comparison with the beginning. During this time before I secured 4 weeks I was expecting how I eventually fap and feel an euphoria after so much time of constraint. But when I finally let my hands do the job it was pretty average or even disappointing. I could have constrained for longer but never did I have such a goal at that moment. However, now I know how it works for me and overcoming the first period is about 70% of success.
My code is “kxkzbj”, feel free to add me.

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