“I entered 1 week”. Yo, LosTman14 you did it.I know you’ve been in a tough situation but you can handle it bro. Don’t do everything at once, take time everything is gonna be okay.So, enjoy the moments at work do9ng your favourite stuff.I know life is not working like what you thkught it would be but remember what is yours it will come,just don’t give up lord is with you. You have overcome p*n addiction. Now only more reps and you overcome those 2 mo. Keep going.gambare gambare
Yo i was emotional my eyes was filling with tears don’t know what to say my friends came to meet me after a long rime (3 years ). Uff, i control i didn’t let my tears come out i had mix feelings i am glad that from yesterday onwards i felt like i am free.why? Cause i am not alone i have my friends who care people who care but i am sorry i am sorry if I can’t visit you i am sorry if i cannot be but yes i will try my best
Okay its going to be op thing i am going to reach 30 and my challenge with @Walnes is going to over and 2e win the october challenge thta was fun i hope i can go more
@The_EnlightenedOne wanna join me from November 1
7 days 30 min Meditation & 1 Hour reading Challenge
Challenge Goal:
Meditation: 30 minutes you can break this into 2 session 15 minutes in the morning 15 minutes before sleeping
Reading: 1hour of reading per day( can be broken into parts or done in one go. Eg ., 4 sessions of 15 minutes,or 6 sessions of 10 minutes. Based on your schedule)
Missed Session Rule: If you miss any of the two Meditation sessions,you must start the 7 day challenge over from Day 1.
So its great that i was able to resist my urge toady but still there so 8 have to keep reminding that relapsing is no use the same shame and guilt will occur so its better i struggle.you can do it bro you are more stronger than you think
Keep Going brother . Don’t stop because I am no longer active in the forum but don’t worry occasionally I’ll check up on you guys. Congratulations on your 30 days
For me I hope no one has ever known.
Okay todays challenge is set up
-Photoshop 7.0
-Reading book
-Playing ukulele