Einzelgänger's Journey towards absolute self mastery [21M]

@adulrakha and @Tagore
We’ll definitely beat this devil. It’s all just a matter of time. :triumph:


August 15: Day 3

Wake up around 5 :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
Study :white_check_mark:
Mindful eating :white_check_mark:
Long walks :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Tution :white_check_mark:
Tidying room :white_check_mark:
phone usage less than 2 hours :white_check_mark:
Sleep before 11 :white_check_mark:


August 16: Day 4

Wake up at 5 :x:
Make bed :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
Study :x:
Mindful eating :white_check_mark:
Long walk :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Tution :white_check_mark:
Tidying room :white_check_mark:
phone usage less than 1.5 hours :white_check_mark:
Sleep at 10 :white_check_mark:


Such progress :clap::clap:
Keep it up


Keep going brother. Iam also on Day 4. Never leave even a single day without killing the demons. Complete all the tasks. Give 100% and push limits! We’ll make shit happen this time!
I also suggest running early in the morning. It’ll give a boost of motivation and energy to work like a beast throughout the day bro.


Thanks bro :blush:
Still got a long way to go.


You bet we will. :muscle:

I usually go for a walk after I wake up. But running is far superior. From tomorrow I’ll replace it with running. Thanks a lot for the suggestion :pray:


August 17: Day 5

Sleep 7 hours :white_check_mark:
Wake up at 5 :white_check_mark:
Make bed :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
No internet before 12 pm :white_check_mark:
Study 4 hours :white_check_mark:
Mindful eating :white_check_mark:
Long walks :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Tution :white_check_mark:
Tidying room :white_check_mark:
No caffeine and sugar :white_check_mark:
phone usage less than 1.5 hours :white_check_mark:
Full custody of mind :white_check_mark:
Practice awareness/mindfulness :white_check_mark:
Practice cleanliness :white_check_mark:
No device after 9 pm :white_check_mark:
Bedtime routine :white_check_mark:
Sleep at 10 :white_check_mark:


August 18: Day 6

Sleep 7 hours :white_check_mark:
Wake up at 5 :x:
Make bed :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Running :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
No internet before noon :white_check_mark:
Study 4 hours :white_check_mark:
Mindful eating :white_check_mark:
Long walks :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Tution :white_check_mark:
Tidying room :white_check_mark:
No caffeine and sugar :white_check_mark:
phone usage < 1 hour :white_check_mark:
Music consumption < 20 minutes :white_check_mark:
Full custody of mind :white_check_mark:
Practice awareness/mindfulness :white_check_mark:
Practice cleanliness :white_check_mark:
No device after 9 pm :white_check_mark:
Bedtime routine :white_check_mark:
Sleep at 10 :white_check_mark:

Goals for tomorrow :

  1. No device and no internet before noon
  2. Finish 2 hours of study before 12 pm
  3. Study 5 hours

August 19: Day 7

Sleep 7 hours :white_check_mark:
Wake up at 5 :x:
Make bed :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
Prayer :white_check_mark:
Running :white_check_mark:
Exercise :white_check_mark:
No device or internet before noon :white_check_mark:
Finish 2 hours of studying before 12pm :white_check_mark:
Study 5 hours :white_check_mark:
Mindful eating :white_check_mark:
Long walks :white_check_mark:
Cold shower :white_check_mark:
Tution :white_check_mark:
Tidying room :white_check_mark:
No caffeine and sugar :white_check_mark:
phone usage < 30 minutes :white_check_mark:
Music consumption < 15 minutes :white_check_mark:
Full custody of mind :white_check_mark:
Practice awareness/mindfulness :white_check_mark:
Practice cleanliness :white_check_mark:
Avoid toxic people :white_check_mark:
Eat supper at 8 :white_check_mark:
No device after 9 pm :white_check_mark:
Plan for next day :white_check_mark:
Bedtime routine :white_check_mark:
Sleep at 10 :white_check_mark:

Goals for tomorrow :

  1. Wake up at 5 dot
  2. Meditate 1 hour
  3. Study 5 hours+

The Two Day Rule

Today, I’ve again failed to wake up at 5. If I don’t do something about this right now, it will become a counter habit. So, from tomorrow I’ll implement the two-day rule into my routine. The rule is like this: I will not allow myself to skip any habits for more than one day in a row. If I fail to maintain the rule, I’ll endure some sorts of punishment like no device for one/two whole day/days or no snacks between meals for 2 days straight.

I’ve got the idea from this video made by Matt D’Avella :point_down:


August 20: Day 8

:white_check_mark: Sleep 7 hours
:white_check_mark: Wake up at 5
:white_check_mark: Make bed
:white_check_mark: Meditate 1 hour
:white_check_mark: Prayer
:white_check_mark: Running
:white_check_mark: Exercise
:white_check_mark: No device or internet before noon
:white_check_mark: Finish 2 hours of studying before 12pm
:white_check_mark: Study 5 hours
:white_check_mark: Mindful eating
:white_check_mark: Long walks
:white_check_mark: Cold shower
:white_check_mark: Tution
:white_check_mark: Tidying room
:white_check_mark: No caffeine and sugar
:white_check_mark: phone usage < 30 minutes
:white_check_mark: Music consumption < 15 minutes
:white_check_mark: Full custody of mind
:white_check_mark: Practice awareness/mindfulness
:white_check_mark: Practice cleanliness
:white_check_mark: Avoid negative people
:white_check_mark: Eat supper at 8
:white_check_mark: No device after 9 pm
:white_check_mark: Plan for next day
:white_check_mark: Bedtime routine
:white_check_mark: Sleep at 10

Goals for tomorrow :

  1. Device usage < 2.5 hours
  2. Study 5+ hours

You are on beastmode bro. Keep going. We are all with you.