Drago's journey (25 M)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: is this for today…? :rofl: :rofl:
this song gives good vibes… :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

i got lyrics of that song you tell me the meaning afterwards… :rofl:i only understand cya cya … :rofl: :rofl:nothing else but this song gives somes happy vibes… :rofl: beacuse music is good…
i really thought of posting some song by ahmed chawki in my dairy today … :rofl:but you already posted a song so will share that song afterwards… :rofl:

thank you very much… :slightly_smiling_face:



And everyday :joy::rofl: no one can stop afterward .


i heard it for five times or more since morning… :rofl: :rofl: and still listening now… :sweat_smile:


We also (in egy)
Don’t understand any anything😜
But I like to listen like you for the vibes and for the energy that makes .


isnt it in arabic? i thiught you could undersatnd …i was going to ask for the meaning…
but its ok cya cya is fine to hear… :rofl:


There are many languages in our country, such as the Nubian language, which they speak
Nubians, in general, have a sweet soul and have different tastes

It is one of the languages used in the south of EgyptAir, and its sciences are Mahs, Scud, Halfawis, and Dangola in Sudan, and Fadega and Treasures in Egypt. The Arabic language is the mother of the Arabic language of Nubin.

Nubian is a Nilo-Saharan language that belongs to the family of African-Asiatic languages and Berber languages spoken by the people of Morocco and Siwa [citation needed] in Egypt and spoken by the people of southern Egypt and the regions of North and West (North Darfur, the Medub Mountains) Sudan near Egypt, and most of the speakers lived in the Wadi Basin. The Nile extends from the south of Egypt to the north of Sudan, and the waters of the High Dam flooded a large part of it in southern Egypt, the dam lake, after the construction of the High Dam south of Aswan.

This all I the information :joy::rofl:

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kkk…sciences means?

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: information processing… :rofl:

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Not science it’s geographies …
I searched in wiki , of course .

So perfect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


yeah it should be geaographies…

ohhhh… means it is nubian egytian language…


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Yup exactly :laughing::ok_hand:
Excellent :joy:

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got it… :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :rofl:

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Day 511

If you do what’s easy, life would be hard…
Do what’s hard , life will be easy…


How did you survive withdrawl?

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There are many other activities that give you dopamine… I used movies ,To go through withdrawal… and also when urge is too high, Press urge button…:grinning:
All the best brother…


I read your first post
And I must say it’s quite brave of you to say all that in public.
And I felt every word of that in me. I’m not much different from you. My obsession for sex was too much for me to bear. I have fantasized them all. And I’m not too brave to say all these things out in public.
Luckily I too had my conscience, telling me that what I’m doing is wrong.
You have come a long way brother. Keep grinding.
Congratulations for everything you’ve achieved. I wish you to cross 1000 days. I’ll be coming there too. Soon enough :grin:


Yeah bro… Sometimes I feel like… I will never able to leave this PMO… then this diary helps me… He started this with day 3.

There are many guys in this forum who showed that we can get out of this… After watching them I feel…if they can do.it…I can do it.

@drago keep going bro… All the best for you.

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The thing is brother these things were bothering me during the journey so I had put it out and that eased the burden to much extent…

That was like hell… :sweat:

That thing was like hell bro…

The thing with me was not about sex but I believed in some of the myths about mas**rbation…

If it becomes burden for you it’s better to share it… It lightens the journey… :innocent:

Yeah man… The thing is my father only asked me once that if do it when I was in 11th or 12th standard And I didn’t tell him that I was doing it because he was angry with me because of my performance that time in studies …

Long way brother …now no going back…a beautiful journey with you guys…


Thanks bro…

This feels good brother…
Enjoy the journey through pain and happiness…
Stay strong… :innocent:


Thanks brother… :smiling_face:

You can do it bro… You know it… I know it…

You know what we used to say. :laughing:
This kept me going… Same feeling for you brother…
Stay strong… :muscle:

Thanks man…


Ecclesiastes 4:12

12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.


wow @drago you are improving… i am more like you were below

even i would waste my time and vital energy weaving fantasies…
but look at you have changed and are changing… i too shall change.

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