Delete it brother or hide it and write every single reason of fall here , I have tagged you in the challenge a companion thread (sorry I tagged another the seeker there first
even after I reported and clicked on not interested it pushes such videos sometimes.
Grammar correction?! well seems more of Formal Vs Informal ft. @Imaginator (sponsored by AI)
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“Absolutely! Using AI effectively is a skill anyone can develop over time—it’s all about learning and practice. No one is born knowing how to use it; we gain that knowledge through experience and guidance. Those who mock AI users often miss out on its immense benefits and potential. It’s surprising how some still cling to outdated methods while the world moves forward. Everyone has their own learning journey, but embracing technology is essential for growth!”
Once, in a small village, there lived a wise man named Imaginator. Known for his insightful ideas and willingness to help others, he often sought ways to improve his community. One day, he learned that a group led by Awaken_one was struggling to grow crops due to a severe drought. Wanting to assist, Imaginator devised a plan to dig a canal to bring water from a nearby river.
Excited to share his idea, Imaginator approached Awaken_one and his group. Instead of welcoming his help, they laughed and mocked him, calling him foolish for thinking he could solve their problems. “Why waste your time?” they jeered. “We’ve always done it this way!”
Undeterred by their ridicule, Imaginator decided to dig the canal on his own. Day after day, he worked tirelessly under the sun, slowly making progress. After weeks of hard work, he finally completed the canal, and water began to flow, rejuvenating the once-parched fields.
When Awaken_one and his group saw the thriving crops, their laughter turned to disbelief. They realized that their mockery had cost them a valuable opportunity. Imaginator’s determination had transformed their land, showing them that the wisdom of one can outweigh the ignorance of many.
In the end, @Awaken_one learned a valuable lesson in humility and the importance of being open to new ideas. He approached Imaginator, grateful for the change he had brought to the village, understanding that sometimes the best solutions come from those we least expect.
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Thanks for the water, here is your subscription for free crop throughout the year
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Is the web version “better”?
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Better not use it , use it rarely to check life updates and dms of your friends, if you are worried about them. And @Awaken_one said to use the web version rarely only when necessary.
It’s basic. And you only need basic for most of the matters.
I used to take breaks from instagram
I mean there was a challange for myself : 30 days without instagram for example
But I could download anytime when I got the urge
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Comeback time @TheSeeker , now you know what triggers you and what tricks your brain uses which make you relapse. I also relapsed, but I won’t relapse now. Time for comeback brother @TheSeeker
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Yes you are right. Today I will beat chaser effect and I will be productive