D-Day Battle ⚔

5th May,21

Close to a perfect day again.

:white_check_mark: wake up by 4:30 AM
:white_check_mark: 6 Pomodoro for work, 2 pomodoro for study
Mission Tasks:
:white_check_mark: Exercise
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Affirmation (After waking up and before sleeping)
:white_check_mark: Feedback and Detailed Planning for next day
Additional Tasks
:white_check_mark: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:white_check_mark: Drinking 4 +L of water
:white_check_mark: Sleep by 11
:x: Breathing exercises in evening
:white_check_mark: Ayurvedic supplements



@Deadpoolgupta we need to decide the “prefectionist of the day” daily… who’s gonna do that?


5/5/21, 7 am -11:30pm (day 3)

Missions Status
Wake up Time- 5am :x: (7am)
Exercise (Legs + walk) :white_check_mark:
Meditation :x:
read &pray :white_check_mark:
practice piano :x:
Study (11 hours) :x: (did only 3, will try to do more before i sleep

:rocket: 6th May,21

:white_check_mark: wake up by 4:30 AM
:white_check_mark: 6 Pomodoro for work, 2 pomodoro for study
Mission Tasks:
:white_check_mark: Exercise
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Affirmation (After waking up and before sleeping)
:x: Feedback and Detailed Planning for next day
Additional Tasks
:white_check_mark: Kegel Exercise (3 sets of 5)
:x: Drinking 4 +L of water
:white_check_mark: Sleep by 11
:x: Breathing exercises in evening
:x: Reading a book before sleeping
:white_check_mark: Ayurvedic supplements


Brothers it’s me. I was recovered from covid, but was left very weak, I am experiencing health issues, like I sleep all day and still feel sleepy, whole body aches and headaches, so I won’t be here for a while. I’m sorry I dragged you all in this challenge and now I’m backing off


Hey no problem… please take care of your health. Health takes the greatest priority in these challenging times.

Also, would suggest you to practice pranayams, they might help you recover faster.

6/5/21, 7 am -11:30pm (day 4)

Missions Status
Wake up Time- 5am :x: (7am)
Exercise (Legs + walk) :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
read &pray :white_check_mark:
practice piano :white_check_mark:
Study/work (11 hours) :x: (worked 4 houra)

7/5/21, 4 am -11:30pm (day 5)
AI relapsed :confused:

Missions Status
Wake up Time- 5am :white_check_mark: (4am)
Exercise (Legs + walk) :white_check_mark:
Meditation :white_check_mark:
read &pray :white_check_mark:
practice piano :x:
Study (11 hours) :x: not a minute
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