Companions from anywhere: assemble!

Well, hello there! Here I intend to create a “group” where you can either have me as a companion or me and other people who want to do this in a “group”. Feel free to add me and message me anytime.

The only thing I ask of you is that you are sincere about every aspect of your practice and is going for either normal mode (O allowed as long as other people are phisically involved) ou hard mode (not even O allowed). Failing a streak may happen and is accepted but giving up on the process is not.

By the way, if you have no intention on giving up P for the rest of your life, you’re doing this wrong. But we can talk about that later.

Sharing code - Sharing code - tbe8o8

Current streak - 0 days
Highest streak - 120 days
Age - 28
Gender - M
Location - Brazil

Why I want a companion - I’ve done this before and kept on a healthy once every 14 days (MO only) for some 10 months until some time ago I kinda gave up control for a while and now feel like resetting again. And having companions who you can really talk to helps not only when you feel like talking but by helping others you become stronger too.

So send me a follower request and messages here and we can do this better when together.


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