[CLOSED] Porn level board

Closed topic.

There’s no use for a board.
Just don’t look at porn and don’t masturbate.
You can do it!


Well, regardless of me generally agreeing with any of it (everybody got his own believes) since you asked how you could make it less biased and accessible: is there any reason why looking at ■■■■ including LGBT stuff is worse than “normal” ■■■■? Especially since “■■■■ with more than two people” is still considered normal :'D

I always wanted to believe that this community is friendly towards everyone with this problem, even if the majority of users might fall in the “guy between 15 and 30” group. I know men, women and people identifying as neither of those with this addiction :slight_smile:

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I think it’s worse than normal porn in the case where it isn’t your normal sexuality (which means IRL you’re not attracted to males for example but in porn you are).
It’s worse because, while porn already destroys your brain, here (specifically for people who are straight and who look at gay/lesbian porn or gay/lesbian people looking at straight porn) it destroys your normal sexuality (I know lot of people who are straight and who questioned their sexuality just because of porn, before that they weren’t attracted to males at all, even in porn)


Still it is true that the board doesn’t include people identifying as neither gender.

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What’s the point of that board to begin with? It reminds me of a podcast episode where the topic is people saying “I look a this kind of ■■■■, I bet no one else does that…” just further increasing the shame cycle.

We draw big conclusions from the type of we’ve looked at. Feelings like we are unique. We are disgusting or abnormal. But these are tricks of our ego to keep us stuck.


You know what, after listening to the podcast, I’m quite convinced that there’s no use to a board in the first place.
I mean I wanted to remaster it because I thought some people would find it useful if they felt shameful about what they watched but I guess it’s the wrong way of seeing things.

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@CarnetDeBordMore Thanks for trying to help the community, and congrats on being capable to change your mind in a particular matter, if you think its reasonable. It’s not common to see nowadays, particularly online. Would you share your code? Good luck on your battles!


No problem, I try to be open-minded (even if I can be stubborn sometimes) and I really want to help everybody in the community, because PMO is really bad overhaul.
My code is ctzvqr, add me! :slight_smile: