Christian Discussion/Debate

It’s normal that an atheist thinks life is just a thing and a christian thinks it’s to decide if you go to Hell or Heaven

How old are u again?

But you read my diary, remember?

You can’t normalise what others think. What if I think the same way and I am nt an atheist?? :grin:

Oh… Lol… I forgot sorry

I didn’t decide it, I just think you will but I hope you’ll change your mind :’)

Look no one is asking you to stop believing. If u shove ur belief down my throat, I wouldn’t accept just bcuz some dude happen to say it 2000 years ago

Well some people I know are christian and don’t believe in afterlife so you are right xD

No thank you… I have to worry about making money, keeping my family happy and stuff… Afterlife? Really?

Ye that’s the most important thing

Btw I’ve got this text on the screen

Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 21% of the replies here.

It could be even better if you gave other people space to share their points of view, too. Can you invite them over?


An atheist is an athiest not bcuz he hates religion… There are diff sides to it… It will take time to explain

Sure… Mate… Make sure u get your facts right and Google about evolution too…

I know what you mean I meant that an atheist (Usually at least) doesn’t believe in afterlife

He doesn’t believe in crap world serves on plate easily. To put it subtly. I didn’t wanna takes sides but hey. You are making me

Sorry I guess hahaha

No thanks… Il leave this conversation… Have all the space you want

Don’t get me wrong that’s not what I meant @The_wild_perception

I’m sorry. I just want you to think about it in your free time. I know deep down you know it.


I’m a Catholic. I’ve been all my life. I believe in God, Jesus Christ his son and the holy spirit. But I also believe in evolution. Coz that makes sense to me, logically. Plus, according to the Bible, the world was created approximately 20,000 years ago or so. But there is evidence that life existed millions of years ago. It’s contradictory. I mean whatever is written in the old testament has to be taken with a grain of salt. Most of what is written in the Bible is in the end written by some human being and he tried to explain how he perceives what he saw and experienced. Id like to believe that the story of creation is a symbolic representation of the evolution. And the story of humans in the Bible started when they developed a language among themselves


Cmon guys…
There are two reasons why we constantly have war on this planet…
One is for economical reason, the other is because people fight over their believes → Religious wars.

This is the reasons why religious topics are theoretically forbidden in this forum. We tried it times and times again and it always led to the same stupid outcomes.

I just don’t understand the ignorance of people. Why can’t athists just at least acknowledge that there might be a chance for an afterlife. Or there might be god who created the universe with the big bang? Both are things that can not be disproven. You don’t have to believe it. I don’t. Neither do I believe in reincarnation. But I can acknowledge that I simply don’t know and that it might be a possibility.

On the other hand, why are religious people always so serious about their particular believe? There are dozens or hundreds of different religions or subgroups. How can you be so arrogant and say the very precise thing you believe is the only true thing and all the other people on the world are just stupid and wrong?? Yes, I know it is written in your scriptures. But there are dozens of holy scriptures. The Bible, Vedas, Quoran, Talmud and so on. Why should yours be the right one??

This topic was called discussion and debate. To do that you have to be open for other opinions. You have to listen to the other guy, think about his statement and give a response to his opinion. What you are doing here is to crusade which always leads to war.

Revert to discussion or I will close this topic and will be more strict with banning religious topic all together