Challenge your Brain With Math, Science & Puzzles (Entries Always Open)

Alright let’s see if you guys can solve this :fire::

If x = √3 - 2 then the number
√(7 - 4√3) equals:

-x / 2





Can I also post Astronomical questions?

I don’t want to join this challenge but I will post just for fun :blush:


This is too tough for me :joy:


Do you want to give up? :sunglasses:

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@RedStorm47 if you want to know the answer and the explanation just click on answer:



We currently have √(7 - 4√3)

Factor the expression:

Use a² - 2ab + b² = (a - b)²
– > √(7 - 4√3) = 4 - 2×2√3 + 3 = √(2 - √3)²
Simplify the root:

√(2 - √3)² = 2 - √3
x = √3 - 2 – > -x = - (√3 - 2) = 2 - √3

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Sure…You can post any type of questions that we cant find answer by simply searching in google.

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I also cant solve this question w/o paper even though I am an indian bank and ssc exam aspirant.

Below is an easy question for all.

x + 1/x = 30
x² + 1/x² = ?




can’t be determined

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Don’t you think that this is a bit too easy? :sweat_smile:

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Real Question To Try

Eight persons K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R sitting in a row. Some of them are facing north while some are facing south. N and M sits 5th to the right of each another but none of them sits at an extreme end. L and K sits third to the left of each another but none of them sits at an extreme end. Q sits third to the right of N. P sits second to the right of L. R sits third to the left of P. K sits second to the left of O. Both the person sitting at extreme ends faces opposite direction to each other. R sits to the left of L and both of them are facing opposite direction to each other. Q does not face south direction. Not more than two persons sitting together face same direction.

Q1. Who among the following sits third to the right of R?
(a) Q
(b) K
(c) M
(d) N
(e) None of these

Answer :


I’ll answer tomorrow cause I’m gonna sleep
now :wave:
In case if you noticed, yes I sleep early these days.

Goo night friend @anon30406793

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If x + y + z = 0

Find (x²y² + y²z² +z²x² ) ÷ ( x⁴ + y⁴ + z⁴) = ?

[SSC CGL Exam , India ]






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A and B together can complete a piece of work in ‘m’ days. If A alone can completes the same work in ‘m + 3’ days and B alone completes the work in ‘m + 12’ days, find the value of ‘m’

a. 6

b. 8

c. 10

d. 11


You are all invited to solve this question


It satisfies perfectly :grin:


Which question’s answer?

x + y + z = 0

Find (x²y² + y²z² +z²x² ) ÷ ( x⁴ + y⁴ + z⁴) = ?

if x = 0 , y = 0, z = 0

0 ÷ 0 = indeterminate form

If x = 1, y = -1 , z = 0

{1²(-1)² + 0 + 0 } ÷ { 1⁴ + (-1)⁴ + 0 }

1 ÷ { 1 + 1 }


Answer = ½


I will surely try to do it tomorrow. Going to sleep :sweat_smile:

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A and B together can complete a piece of work in ‘m’ (6) days. If A alone can completes the same work in ‘m+3’ (9) days and B alone completes the work in ‘m+12’ (18) days, find the value of ‘m’ (6)

A and B together can complete a piece of work in ‘m’ (8) days. If A alone can completes the same work in ‘m+3’ (11) days and B alone completes the work in ‘m+12’ (20) days, find the value of ‘m’ (8)

A and B together can complete a piece of work in ‘m’ (10) days. If A alone can completes the same work in ‘m+3’ (13) days and B alone completes the work in ‘m+12’ (22) days, find the value of ‘m’ (10)

A and B together can complete a piece of work in ‘m’ (11) days. If A alone can completes the same work in ‘m+3’ (14) days and B alone completes the work in ‘m+12’ (23) days, find the value of ‘m’ (11)

In conclusion, it could be any number @anon30406793 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Anyway, I’ve got homework so maybe I’ll solve this tomorrow

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If A completes in 11 days and B completes in 20 days , will both of them complete in 8 days ?

Total Work = Time × efficiency

Total work = 11A = 20B…(1)

Efficiency ratio = A/B = 20/11
A’s efficiency = 20 work /day
B’s efficiency = 11 works /day

Putting their efficiencies in equation (1)

Total works = Time × efficiency = 11 × 20 = 20 × 11 = 220 works

Total efficiency = ( 11 + 20 ) = 31 works /day

A + B would do in = 220/31 days ( not in 8 days )

If we take
A in 9 days

B in 18 days

9A = 18B = Total work

A/B = 2/1

Efficiency of A = 2
Efficiency of B = 1

Total work = 9 × 2 = 18 × 1 = 18

Combined efficiency = 3 ( = 2 + 1 )

Time taken by both A and B = 18/3 = 6

6 is correct

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