Challenge a companion- ARCHIVED FIGHTS

Next registered with you :fire::fire::muscle::muscle:bro for August


365 it is. Itā€™ll be a shame for me if I challenge you lower than that


Okay then 365 days locked :lock:
You did it before you can do it again, you have to. :fire:


Ok thanks, friend. Iā€™ve identified the cause of my relapse and also I find my sole reason that I used to have when I was on a long streak again.


My bad I relapsed today (I couldā€™ve relapsed yesterday so we couldā€™ve been even, jk :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) anyways this time Iā€™m asking you :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle: up for a 14 day challenge?? Iā€™m not going down this time :triumph::triumph:


Yes Iā€™m always in
Starting from 21st then?

Yep, letā€™s do it :relieved::relieved: is 14 days fine should we alter it ??


Day 12 bro!!
Letā€™s gooooooooooo!!!


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Good stuff- same here

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:crossed_swords:Round 5:crossed_swords:

@Evolved :crossed_swords: @ysub 10 Days(Wed 21st July - Fri 30th July)


Good Evolvedā€¦ Good to see u improve so wellā€¦ Keep fighting brother


Check in :ballot_box_with_check:
Day 1/365
Humble beginnings - the 2nd coming

@Prox Day 1 check In not backing off this time :triumph::triumph:

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Sorry I lost today
This thing sicks man

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Count me in
My sharing code - 0ybsoy

Day 13/42 booommmmm
Lol i think i will be able to make it to 3 weeks this time

You won the challenge bro @_KarmaYogi .
But I will be back. Started reading the book Power over pornography. This book gives me a lot of hope.


U relapsed bro??



Yes bro. This shit is killing me. What kind of addiction is this? Heroine or morphine would have been much better than this. Those are some external substances; we cannot take that shit inside home. But this addiction bro; this is some kind of fucking shit. I want to cut of my dick.
Whatever, giving up is not an option. I will stand up and I fight. I have had multiple 100+ streaks bro. More than 4 months I even followed Brahmacharya; still Iam going back to it. Ed coming back; watching hard core shit; more guilt, more pain. What is this thing bro?
Who created this? Why did they do this?
But this victim mentality wonā€™t help in any way. If we really want to we can achieve anything in this world. The other day we saw Jeff besoz and all going to space; we are seeing Nikola Tesla flying his space jet into Saturn to achieve his dream of creating civilization there. His recent experiment was almost successful; he will soon achieve it. If all these things are possible, why the heck canā€™t we conquer this bullishit!!
We can!
We are together in this


Its the hardest addiction to conquerā€¦
It is not easyā€¦ Only because of its wide availabilityā€¦ Its deep roots in our mindsā€¦ N in others around usā€¦
The mentality of satan is all around us like airā€¦

Keep fighting brotherā€¦ It is hard for us to quit this entirely despite seeing n number long streaks, because of our bloom of youthā€¦but until then keep fightingā€¦

The only help for us is to keep hating bad and loving goodā€¦

Once we cross this phase we will have no ā€œstrongā€ urgesā€¦ We can defeat urges with easeā€¦ but until this phase passes what should we do???

Keep fightingā€¦ Keep guarding our mindsetā€¦ Ensure it doesnā€™t get rotten with ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦ Thats our only defenceā€¦ Because one day when our strong harmonal phase passesā€¦ We need to have pure mind to enjoy the best of our livesā€¦ N while preparing for it, we will enjoy our youth ā€œnowā€

That very hope of me getting free is what keeps me pushing forwardā€¦i might fall seven times but one day ill get up once and for allā€¦until then ill keep marching forwardā€¦u are same too ā€¦ arenā€™t u?

U r the best @Tagore dont get too upsetā€¦ No need to cut urselfā€¦ Have patienceā€¦stay calm ā€¦

Ur experience is admired here in forumā€¦ Ppl look up to uā€¦ Me tooā€¦ Protect ur calm and keep fightingā€¦ We r always here to ensure our leaning tower of pisa never falls!! Yes we r always here to help u just like u r always there for usā€¦

Together we r strong!!!