Can we chat? A little bit

Just be honest man. Irl I’m super sarcastic, but I’m also honest. If I’m uncomfortable I’ll say something. When it comes to PMO. If someone were to ask me. I would be honest. I’d say yes.

Now, depending on where he was shoving his nose. Understand the power of the word “NO”

When people ask me personal questions like “Do I vape?” For example. (I DO NOT, I DON’T PROMOTE IT AT ALL IT’S JUST AN EXAMPLE) I’ll say “I’m not telling you”. They’ll think I do because of the way they think. But later on when they’re proven wrong then they’ll just be shocked. Jokes on them. They need to get their nose out of my ass and go do something productive. (Sorry I cursed I need to work on that, but I felt like using the word)

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We was sniffing about something financial, then after that we talked about pmo, but the feeling of unclear intentions continued. Like someone interrogate you indirectly.

I was worried about one thing, I won’t go around telling people I’m insecure about sexuality, yet I don’t want people to get me wrong, yet no one dares to ask me about it, face me with a question regard that, and I’ll answer

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Yea I need to work on my ‘No’ and poker face to ‘i won’t give an answer’

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Thanks man for the company :pray:
I’m going back to sleep (season 2)

It’s a catchy name for a series lol

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Gn man! Sleep well pal

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