Beware of Instagram while fighting porn addiction

Beware of Instagram while fighting porn addiction I feel as if Instagram is highly overlooked although you are not looking at porn you find pictures of women that will cause your mind to wonder resulting in an inevitable relapse. Part of this also has to deal with the fact that Instagram can make people feel shitty about themselves. When they see other people with the girl or careers (or other things) that they want for themselves. It makes them forget about their achievements and focus more about why they don’t have what other people have. This type of thinking only facilitates a relapse because it would put them in a negative state of mind… Today I got rid of Instagram, twitter, tiktok, and Facebook from my phone because they were such strong triggers. Power to you guys!

Hope this post helps!!


That’s why I was well aware of shitty Instagram…I have removed that shitty app much much before

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