there is no doubt that we failed too many times but we also learned from our fails . we dont have to be sad but we shoud have hope . one day we will be free but it depends on us . we can choose when . we shoud know that the fail is not the end of the life . everyday there is a chance for a better future . and we just dont take it . when will we face ourselves ? when will we be free ? when will we have a better life ? we can answer soon or late . atleast we have to know that late better than never .
Some of us have no option but to try again and again because some of us are extreme cases and had been deeply fucked by this habit.
I am talking about 10 or more years of daily wastage of Life Force.
I will not give up on this right now i am stressed due to family, but nofap remains a big priority, are when you abstain everything comes at you 100% if its stress 100% and if its happyness 100% but over time you gain soo much from the nofap things becomes easy