Besides NoFap I think I also need a Digital Detox

Hie everyone.I’m Drew.I’m participating in the NoFap challenge and I think We need to add a new challenge called the Digital Detox challenge.I have seen that my phone usage is way too high.The past week It has been 70 weeks and I think thats a high amount of time wasted.Look at it.If you also wanna participate in this new challenge,you can also join me in this challenge.

My Code is 6y2hs2

This is a huge problem today. But simply shortening the time won’t do much. You need to minimize the time of useless use and maximize the time for useful activities. But you just need to know what to do in the free time.

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Interesting challenge brow,

I spend the most of the time on Rewire Companion :joy::joy::man_facepalming:t2:

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oh shit. 24h in RC? it’s toooo long

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I am wirting a book, so every day, I write few lines at the new Topic.
That’s why.

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Do you use Chrome for useful activities?
I deleted Facebook and Twitter but I find myself using the web versions and they waste my time

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aah 24 hours on Rewire Companion🤣Thats too much time.I hope being on this app that long is reducing pmo for you

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It does :joy:
Post must be at at least 20 characters

are you writing a diary on the app

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Yes I am :innocent:
20 characters

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60-70% time spent in chrome I put to good use. I don’t use facebook, twitter, instagram and other social networks. Through the epic browser I use RC. I would like to reduce the time in TELEGRAM and YouTube to 10 minutes and an hour, respectively.


I’ve been working on reducing my screen time too. My screen time averages around 3 hours daily, but I make sure I’m using it well. Learning here on the forum, tracking workouts and calories, watching useful YouTube videos. I “hid” my browser off my apps, so I only use it to open links or for emergencies (if I really want to research something, I’ll use my laptop from school.)


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