Beginner Chellenge [❌ENTRIES CLOSED🔒]

I added You…

Daily check In :white_check_mark: to update your scoreboard

Best wishes for your journey


Day 2 successful, Alhamdulillah.


Good @slave_of_allah


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Add me
Streak-7 days

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Day 22 …completed
Add me

share your code so as i can add you


Who will share code first will added shortly

Hey! You all doing well in this chellenge

Check Your scoreboard nd tell me if there is need for any change


br3sin is my code add me in challenge

Congratulations @Anmol000 you were added and now you are the part of this chellenge.

Wish you will win this Chellenge

Your goal is to complete 37 days to win this 30 day Chellenge with our other participants since we don’t count the previous streak ( which is 7 days in case of you)

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Really Sorry @BestME because you were late to sharing you code.

Bro its perfect :ok_hand::+1:
Day 22

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That’s my sharing code

23 days completed successfully :raised_hands: (4 hours left)

Day 4 Check-In :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:

Checking in day 18/46 days

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Day3 check in :white_check_mark:

Feels like I gain some energy back. But I still have pretty strong urges.

Gonna work harder tomorrow💪


Its correct.
Day 3 checking in. :white_check_mark:
Had very mild urge, its ok.
Going motivated.

Day 53/82 check in.
There is always an option to give up but when we don’t give up and move forward we become stronger and smarter so keep moving, success will be ours.

@more_ya You are out from this chellenge because you replased two hour ago…

All the other participants stay on their streak to win this Chellenge

@Victor2 @SigmaGigachad @Paarth @ashisht @Anmol000 @slave_of_allah @sy555 @shobhit002