Bad affect of fapping

Guys please jolt down the side effects you have had faced due to excessive masturbation.
And also say what are the benefits you have experiencing due to nofap


Weak body
Dizzy mind
Not happy at all
Mind obsessed about sex
Undressing every woman you find
Devastated confidence
Loss of appetite
Erectile dysfunction


56 day earlier
 i used to feel more fatigued after any kind of work
 i used to have muscle cramps and pain in my calf muscles

 i definitely feel the difference in it. Fatigueness and cramps and pain
 all are reduced to about 70 % till date


I’ll add more
Hindu texts speak the bad effects of losing your seed
You lose 4 things

  1. à€”à€żà€šà€Ÿà€°à€¶à€•à„à€€à€ż (analytical reasoning)
  2. à€”à€żà€”à„‡à€•à€Źà„à€Šà„à€§à„€ ( ability to differentiate between right/wrong)
  3. à€§à€Ÿà€°à€Łà€Ÿ (retention of knowledge, which will involve memory and more such as retention of instructions)
  4. à€“à€œà€ž (immune system + spark of life + happiness and much more)

PIED , lack of concentration


severe anxiety which caused heart hypertrophy
 found out today


-Excessive masturbation that leads to being uncomfortable with your sexual identify.
-If you’re straight and you masturbate a lot, you will lose interest in girls. But you’ll get a strange attention toward guys
-you are awkward and shy in front of girls
-Empty balls
-You get hungry all time when you masturbate because the body needs energy to produce sperms
-you dont have confidence in yourself
-you look at womens body part than their eyes
-you look at them as object only for pleasure
-you feel nasty after masturbating (also when you cover yourself in your own sperm)
-you are tired
-hair grows faster down there than any other places
-your taste in food, fashion, lifestyle and many more is different
-you wish you’d be penetrating a real woman, so you want to buy a masturbator to fill the void you’re experiencing
-you wish to seriously f*** that sexy looking pstar, but did masturbate and question yourself “what am I doing?”.
-that p
star is having her way with a guy and you enjoy it?
-you picture every woman you meet being naked, in a shower, in a toilet, a couple you know of having sex on their bedroom, etc.
-you fantasize about one of you’re good looking girl friends in a pornographic way
-you are tired of using your hand and don’t want to spend money on a toy, how about warming up a fruit and penetrate it. Them come in it, throw i
the trash and feel disgusted
-“how many underwear and pants did I come on? Oh well I can always wash them”
-fantasize about your cute female co-worker or girl friend. The next day she’ll ignore you or don’t even greet you as if you’re a ghost
-You have at least had a rape fantasy but never admits it
-you feel like you want to stuff something up your own ass for masturbating too much
-you get jealous that everyone around you have at had sex at least once.
-you get depressed that your crush got a boyfriend, so you use porn to find someone to look like her and imagine that is you and her
-you get depressed that your crush has lost her virginity to someone else, and picture her and the bf having sex
-you think you are so alone that you want to spend two hours with an escort
-when you see the end scene of a video, you feel like you want it on your mouth too

-everything else has been mentioned


I did most of the things listed above ,when I was addicted 

This bad effects were there
I can relate to this directly, this post was good 


You just grow into a shitty ass human being, in every possible way imaginable.The good thing is we can cure ourselves, of EVERY single one of these ills. Just stop masturbation.

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You seriously mentioned all the day to day activities of an addict
 I’ve been through most of the above points

I admit it. I choose to admit it rather than sit with shame and guilt, and do nothing about the addiction. I choose to change myself.


All those symptoms given by othrrs and constipation+ anal fissure sometimes

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These were damn right. Experienced most of them and giving my 100 percent effort to get rid of porn and masturbation


U put down almost everything that an addict faces. I believe this single addiction is the mother of all sort of addictions. When you are excessively masturbating a lot,you even get to a point where you take the risk of having sex with a call girl without second thinking

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Fapping leads to unhygeine, which further leads to infections in private parts.

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Does fapping leads to belly fat?

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oh that is not everything I have been put through. I can list many more

that may be everything an addict has experienced but I can list more points I had to go though


-after you masturbate you’re never happy the same day
-you are frustrated and blame your problems on everyone else around you
-you start having fights with your siblings and parents over nothing, but mostly because you think they don’t respect you
-you feel you have OCD
-you are bothered by anything that is not in place like unwashed kitchen utensils
-you watch porn in a religious place or temple
-you watch porn at school if the network is not regulated, but that doesn’t matter because you’ll alternatively have downloaded videos on computer or phone.
-you have football/soccer training but masturbate in advance and wonder why your performance is bad
-you literally masturbate in public places, like out in the snow, the sitting in the hallway,
-have you seen that kid show Winx Club where all the teenage girl are over sexualized? Then fantasize about fcking all of them?
-or how about some of the main girls in nickelodeon shows?
-have you ever masturbated after a good work out and forget to wash your hands, that has all sorts of bacteria and other people’s sweat?
-you fantasize about your friends mom, your sister, aunts and cousins
-you use porn as a therapy session to escape reality and all the bullying at school
-you’re weak, you try to show that you don’t but you do. And when you want to do something about it, you’re afraid of the outcome
-you feel that someone bigger than you is smarter than you and he bullies you thought-out the entire school year. You want to punch him but are afraid
-when you still live with you parents in your late teenage and don’t have the opportunity to move out yet, and can’t bring over a girl because A) you’re an addict and prefer porn, B) you don’t know how to approach someone to have sex with and C) everyone in the house will listen and judge you
-so when you can’t do that, you wrap a blanket or a cloth blanket around a glove, lube the inside with cream and penetrate it while you’re having your laptop next to you
-the schoolnurse offers you a box of condoms and you know you will never use them, but hope to. Instead you masturbate with them
-you dont like certain categories to watch but when she takes it up her a-hole
 it’s hot?
-you’re amazed by looking that big schlong can actually fit inside her
-you’re shocked that the p-star can take more d
cks inside her at the same time
-you’re also shocked that this p-star has the apparence of a young girl and you enjoy watching her act?
-you are tired of dry masturbating, and don’t want to spend money on lube so olive oil is an option
-after a hot shower you feel like masturbating
-you are tired in many days
-you’re sleep-cycle has been messed up
-you sleep abnormaly longer
-you stutter when you talk
-you want more junk food than healty alternatives
-you believe in the lies about p*** and masturbation, until you’re an absolute addict
-when you watch a gangbang scene, you strangely feel like you want to be in that place and have all the d*cks slapped at your face
-your school grades are “meh” but not good
-you think you have tried your best but that wasn’t good
-you wish to perform better at school but can’t achieve that
-you compare your intelligence to someone else which is a mistake
-you dream big but you are afraid you’ll never change

Life is suffering and a challenge. But you’ll live good once you learn from your mistakes. Don’t do anything that might upset you. And do anything you know of that might lead you to relapse. Rather improve your yourself mentally and physically because that is what your rewiring process it is all about, not girls


Yes. I have faced it.

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Yaa man

I have OCD that everything wrong is happening because i fapp
 truth is everything is happening wrong because I ain’t working on my life

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