At what age is masturbation normal?

Babies often tug on their genitals, just as they tug on their toes or ears.

Boys often find their penises accidentally, possibly during a diaper change around six to seven months of age and become curious (just like their fascination with other parts of their bodies, such as fingers, toes and ears).

Girls often don’t discover their vulva (female external genitalia) until about ten to eleven months of age.

Potty training can be another time when there is curiosity about the genital area. Boys will play with their penises. Girls may even insert things into their vaginas. But at what age is masturbation becomes normal?

Masterbation is not normal…it’s only normal in “Google”.


Don’t listen to all these “NOOO MASTRUBATION IS BAD, IF YOU DO IT ONCE YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO INSTANT DEATH NOOOOO!!!” kids, as a person goes through puberty its normal and often a benefiting act to experiment with your body and get comfortable. It only becomes harmful if you become addicted to the release of dopamine you get from the act and use it as a coping mechanism…but never watch porn, porn is bad for the mind in all ways.


Hmmm… It means Google lied to everyone … I hate Google :triumph:

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On an average boys are introduced to masturbation between 12 to 15 years. It’s not official but on average it varies widely. Till 15 most people are masturbating and I’m not talking about females. I accidentally masturbated at age of 10 while I was trying to rub my tube against the bed. But actual addiction began when I was 14-15 years. Now I’m 18


Oohh… So this is the fact… Thanks @vickyx :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not a fact. Just an assumption on basis of several surveys

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Bro @Aditya , I’m sorry to tell you this but your words and behaviour are similar to that of a troll trying hard to not get caught. Anyways, answer of your question is, most people begin masturbating around their puberty, which may begin as soon as 11-12 years in females and 13-14 years in males. However, most of the people report to begin it around 15-16. So your answer is 13-16. Have a good day.


@PrDr Sorry if I was wrong somewhere. But suspecting everyone is not good for new comers. I think what I asked is this community all about. You didn’t typed something new but yeh, thanks for the answer.

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