Apapun itu aku akan bertahan!

Aku akan mulai challenge 90 hari.

Mulai dari hari jam dan detik ini , semua benefit kegelisaan fikiran dan unek unek akan aku cerita kan dari hari ke hari. Semoga kalian mensuport ku dan kita sembuh dari porn and masturbasi!

Ini kode ku: qfrzlk

aku memutuskan untuk mulai challenge.


Doakan ane jg bro… ini detik pertama bagi ane buat berenti nge FAP

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Hey there champ
Congratulations, from here and now you’re going to start your tedious journey to achieve what you want to be. I know it’s going to be though, but please keep strong cause I know you’re going to make it. If you sometime got swayed by lust, come back here to see your writing and remember why you start your journey here so you can not be fooled by them. I’ll follow your journey to keep an eye for you, so keep fighting ^^

@idr2.8 good luck to you too bro. I pray may you finish what you’ve started.

Let’s do this guys

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Sama bro… gua juga… saling doanya ajah bro amiin

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