Anyone Down to be my Accountibility Partner? I need a Brother that I can Vent to in Among us when the urges come

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Sharing code - 2df3gs *

Current streak - 10 hours days *
Highest streak - 15 days *
Age - 19
Gender - M
Location - US

Why I want a companion - *
I need a brother whom I can Vent to when the lustful Thoughts creep back in. I don’t want to Bottle it up in my head and keep them there but the friends that I have in my life right now are not on the same Journey I’m on. I’ve been feeling quite alone and that’s a huge part in why I keep Watching porn and masterbating.

I relapsed 3 times today. Smh🤦🏾it Hurts more when you have the knowledge to know it’s bad but yet still give in to the temptation. Porn has taken so much from me and has have me Feeling so drained, angry, fake happiness, etc. I’ve started trade school a week ago and I’ve let porn take away my sleep, I go to school tired and bearly being able stay awake alot of times. I have to many sexual thoughts and hate the way I look at women. Alot of times I feel so trapped in my mind. Like someone is Trying to take over.(the devil) truth is Im also in the process of Getting closer to God and I’ve realized the demonic Spiritual doors that I’ve opened through porn.
I’m also quiting done smoking weed today. Bc that’s another Door, that leads to porn masterbation etc.

I want to go back to that pure kid I was. I want the high energy level again, the confidence to talk to anyone, The clear skin and hair, the discipline that comes with etc. I want it all. I know I CAN and WILL overcome this.

I know I wrote alot but idk I had to clear my mind. And honestly after writing this. I feel pretty good and confident. I just pray that I don’t get OVERCONFIDENT. And start to not pay attention to the little stuff. If anyone can be my partner I’d appreciate it🙏🏾


Sure thing i would not mind taking to you.

Bro your code is wrong

Hey! I guess you guys should join my 10 days no peeking challenge…search in this forum and read the rules.

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Hi man. How are you doing? I need one as well.

I like that you’re owning up and trying to get closer to God. You’re strong and you can do it!!!

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