AmanJain vs _TIGER vs Nep_12

Feb 30 :rofl::rofl:

Took me a while to get it :joy::joy::joy:

Check in
March 1 :small_airplane::small_airplane::space_invader::space_invader:

Check in
March 1šŸš©!!!

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@AmanJain @Nep_12

All are winners.:trophy:

February :triangular_flag_on_post::white_check_mark:


Letā€™s keep our challenge going.

Bro we will make another thread for March. You and @AmanJain vs me.

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I am Outā€¦:sob::pleading_face:

I do not know how but I fapped without even touching the genitals.

I watched a little p. And during night it happened automatically.

Sorry guys for leavingā€¦ Itā€™s my faultā€¦:pleading_face:

Weā€™re yet to start a new challenge bro. So donā€™t fall for chaser now.

P induced nightfall. You can continue your streak if this was your first time peeking.

No it wasnā€™t.

Remember @_TIGER What I have said once. I am leaving the platform and not the war. After then I achieved what I wanted.

So, again I will say the same. I will restart. But this time without platform.

Sorry guys for leaving. But I will say again, do not fallā€¦it becomes very difficult to rise againā€¦so you guys continue your streak.

I will be there waiting for you (both) till you have achieved 300+ days of streak.



@AmanJain itā€™s okay brother. Focus on your life :fire:


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