After fapping 285 times in 8 Months, and more than 3000 times since last 13 years, I AM QUITTING NOW

It’s insane. Well, I am making a word file on benefits of quitting masturbation. I will share to you all about my experience on this evil addiction. Thanks for your cooperation, support and help.


welcome. looks like you changed ur approach towards life


yeah i think nofap will be much exciting. Let’s do it. and i had completed so many hard tasks so this also will not be a big deal

Welcome @karanraj… You are in my league :+1:

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I didn’t masturbated much like you @karanraj … But I killed hours of hours watching porn from 10 years

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then its easy for u to quit man. All the best.

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by ur stats it means… u masturbated daily ? what is ur age ?

daily, atleast once in a day… I am 25

I am writing a book on my past experiences of addiction… I will launch it soon when i get enough information. I will need your support and co-operation. Thank you.