Addicted to Porn

So Guys I’ve been on this journey for a while now and the one thing which I can’t stop is watching porn, some of the pornstars are so damn hot that I can’t stop looking at them ( I’m very selective ), but when I find a girl I like get obsessed but recently I have started gaining control and trying to not PMO, I’ve been on a 4 day streak now after relapsing everyday for the past 2 months, sometimes I watch porn and don’t masterbate and sometimes I do, the problem I have is, why do these particular women so enticing to me that I actually waste time just staring at their pictures and videos, it’s beyong me, I’m a good looking guy who has good quality girls around me and I come from a good family, I’m a personal trainer with a decent physique and I can call myself a bit smarter than the average population , I quit smoking cigs and weed at my will, stop drinking last year and got rid of my social media and games with ease but why I can’t I stop this shit. If I have the will power to stop the other things why not this?

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Will power method is bullshit.
Read this:

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Because porn is damn more aggressive than alcohol, cigarette or video games.