A strong Urge for 3 hours this night

Hey community

I had the last night an Urge, that’s didn’t happen before. It was from 2 am to 5 am. I couldn’t sleep, I had a strong excitation and all my sexual Fantasies with girls that I meet in my University aboard have appear again.
I fuckinly remember all details from those Devil, I thought that I can forget them but I remember how the feeling of the Orgasm that I had years ago. The whole night my dick couldn’t get a free mind. It was harder like never before but what was nice that I didn’t want to touch myself or watch a dirty video.
I need help, I don’t know how I could live with such Fantasies in my mind, I wish I can reset or format my mind.
Any advices community?

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Well if we could reset our minds , then this addiction wouldn’t ever exist .
You can try meditation and cold showers , it helps to stop fantasising and reduce the risk of relapsing…
Try to sleep by 10or 10:30 pm and wake up early to avoid overnight fantasising and urges.
Hope it helps.

I can relate your situation bro
I have been in your situation dialy.
I am struggling myself :sob::pleading_face:
All I can say just jogging :athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe: every day and before going to bed,pray to God and also stay away from non-sense Facebook, Instagram,etc

Last but not the least stay busy

Hope it will help a bit

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