90 Days Challenge! CHALLENGE ENDED!

Lol yes, im fucked up but i wont give up. Thanks for the invite Chris. I will do my best in this challenge.


fpru8e sharing code

Highest streak 106 days
Current streak 62 days


Hey @Adioz_aka_Adidas @_TIGER @piyushchandak would any of you be cool with helping me keep the leaderboard accurate for people’s streaks? If so, don’t adjust the highest streak I want to keep those where they are to show growth. Basically to be a moderator

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That’s all good my friend! Best of luck on your journey!!

Uhhh that’s my sharing code bro :rofl:

This is mine f8e4fe

You forgot to put your anyway lol

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In perfect John Cena voice: Are you sure about that???

Hahahaha you prove your point, it’s there
My bad :joy:

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All good bro, just thought I’d be funny lol

Glad you’re not giving up bro. Glad to have you here pal. I’m ready to grow with you. Remember. I’m not going to let you fall. I’ve got your back. Let me know if you need something. Do you have my back?


Also can I have your highest streak?

Love that courage!! Let’s make it happen.

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If anyone has a seperate username on the companions tab than online please let me know because I’m not sure who a few people are after putting their sharing code in. Thanks!! Or, this will make it easier… Just let me know when you relapse either here or in a DM.

Name :- Probably 2
Highest streak : 13 days
Current streak : 0 days
Sharing code : 472ga0

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@Probably2 Welcome aboard matey!!

Salutations fellow challenge/group members of the 90 days challenge. All entries have now been closed, they are locked, and no exceptions will be made. This is our group, and I’m extremely greatful for all of you! We’re all going to help eachother get to 90 days or at the very, very, very least beat your highest streak! But I’d absolutely love to get everyone to 90+ days by the end of this. We’re in this to win this! I believe in you all, and I hope you believe in me. I’ll give you all some more information on how this is going to work, and some more rules and ideas I’m still piecing together tomorrow. Until then it’s goodnight for me.


I think it was 9 days, i dont really know because the counter reseted. :sleepy:

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Omg Chris, thank you so much, you are someone that I really appreciate. But damn mate, promise me that if I fall you won’t blame yourself :pray:. I will continue to stand strong, for god, for you, for me, and for everyone that is slave of this addiction. Lets goooooo brotherssss, we won’t fall!! :fist::fist:


I am in

l6ankk :point_left:sharing code

Highest streak 24days

Current streak 0 for a long time now

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You’re in! But just for anyone who’s reading this. The one exception I’m giving after entries are closed is if I invited them to the challenge.