400+ day streak//ask me anything

So, how much are you earning nowadays? ;D

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If Iā€™m not being unwise and thinking about sexual stuff a lot in the month. Iā€™d probably get like 1/2 at max, but if Iā€™m thinking about sexual stuff a lot it could be probably 5/10 at max


I didnā€™t know that peanut butter does that. I actually havenā€™t ate it in months, but I used to eat it a lot in the summer like 2 years ago. Iā€™ve never had a problem with peanut butter. Please make sure that you actually have a problem with it because addictions tend make us feel like itā€™s someone or something thatā€™s the real problem but in actuality itā€™s us


I have a seasonal job at the moment so very little lol

@Radio Have you faced insomnia problem ?
I am facing terrible insomnia problem currently after crossing :100: days mark.
Will it go as I progress in my streak?


Yeah I had insomnia at one point too. It wonā€™t last forever. Also meditating and drinking herbal tea may help @Nayak

Now this piece of news came as a relief. Thanks for quick response.


I was just messing with you LOL. I donā€™t have any problem with peanut butter, I canā€™t believe you took it seriously.

Okay hereā€™s a serious question, Do you still face urges after a year? Do you consider your reboot to be completed? Hope you would answer :+1:

I thought you meant you fapped a lot after eating peanut butter. I almost told you that maybe itā€™s all in your head but I wanted to be civil lol.

To the question:
Iā€™d say itā€™s completed but truthfully it never stops you just learn how to not give in. You learn what triggers you, you learn what barriers work for you, and you find a way. Actually lately Iā€™ve been having fantasizes that I shouldnā€™t be. So as you can see this addiction doesnā€™t magically leave after a year long streak itā€™s a daily, hour or minutely chose. Sometimes itā€™s as easy as can be other times itā€™s a struggle. Iā€™d never wish this addiction away (that sounds crazy I know) because Iā€™ve learned so much about myself and life in general because of it @Oggyboi08


@Radio heyā€¦ bro your count show 1 hour, seriouslyā€¦are you relapse?

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@BruceLee Yeah, I relapsed. I stopped doing what helped me get to that streak

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may i know
What did you stop


First thing I started to get anxiety and it made me want to relapse (bc I had mentally re-relapsed) and the most important part was the fact that I stopped reading my bible and praying daily