[30, M] FlowForCourage's Diary - I'm back Home

Good decision!
The important thing is persevering no matter what, in the face of tough times.
Hope you overcome this difficulty very soon :wink:


Awesome. :tada: you escaped the addiction. Have you read easy peasy hack book already ?@FlowForCourage

Super bro. Go for it. Praying really helps a lot.

“Have you read easy peasy hack book already ?”

Yes. It was fucking boring…

:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

MY 90-DAY NO PMO CHALLENGE: 54/90 :white_check_mark:

How could I be another one if I don’t feel deeply in my self the desire to live?

Don’t be shamed to understand that your more powerful emotion is fear of death/fear of life. The Key of Freedom is near this comprehension. Never let anyone acting with you as you don’t deserve the highest form of respect. You are here for a purpose. You are here because this world has a place for you. Your job is to take this fucking place!

It"s only through a real sense of Self-Esteem that we could see how we are already perfect. The truth is that no one needs to be another one that himself! We need to have the courage to just be who we really are. No bullshit, no excuses, no fucking shit… Just who we truly are.

Now it’s time for meditation.



It is uncomfortable to read these words, when you know you are not doing enough to become who you should be: I’ve still got a lot of work to do.

Thank you for your wisdom. It is beneficial to hear pieces of advice, reflections and sharp considerations from other companions. :slight_smile:

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Why bro?

I completed that book on Jun 2020
Till now I haven’t masturbated. Even I can’t believe, . Read the book once again bro. It will really help.

Read this

Easy peasy hack book by Alan Car

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:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

MY 90-DAY NO PMO CHALLENGE: 55/90 :white_check_mark:

@Byebyemediocrity - Thank you for your intention to help. But I’m serious: I read this book, completely. And it was very boring… Very long for nothing special.

It’s OK! I’m happy to know that this book helps you a lot. In my case, I don’t really need it and it’s OK too.

I’m not focusing on NO PMO anymore. Actually, I don’t give a shit to PMO anymore. My attention is oriented through how I can improve my life: wealth, health, mindset.



:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

MY 90-DAY NO PMO CHALLENGE: 57/90 :white_check_mark:


Day 60… And I just relapsed :frowning: :x:

The true is that I was not serious anymore.

I got so much creative energy… New idea for launching a new business project… So much changes which were ready to emerge…

Now I know, my main difficulty isn’t to handle urge or lack of PMO… It’s to handle a high level of creative energy!

My energy is very high… And it’s not easy to cope with it. It’s why I used to PMO. Today I understand…

I’m going to just resume… :roll_eyes:

This time, I have to focus on the management of this incredible creative energy!

I have to create massively! And it’s a bless! Because I really need this energy to go to business, overcomes my fears and succed at a high level.

I’m sorry, brothers. I’m going to be more active here and share with you my journey in entrepreneurship.



Hey @FlowForCourage,

Love you man! The way you have progressed and learnt about yourself. Self reflecting each time you get exposed to a new experience.

The extra energy we get while we meditate or practice spirituality has to be used is some constructive work, if left mismanaged it could lead the body to find ways to vent it out, which at most times is destructive.

This is a great realization on your part. This is something that only a few people realize as they go along in this journey.

Just keep enjoying the journey.

You are an inspiration. Just wanted to tell you that.


I agree with everything @MikieS said.

Especially with this part :point_up:.

Now don’t let this mistake pass by, learn from it! Find a strategy to put into action next time you have too much energy, and become free once and for all!
I’m following your journey, and seeing you grow is fantastic! :smile:

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WAKE UP AT 5 AM :white_check_mark:
COLD SHOWER :white_check_mark:
MEDITATION :white_check_mark: - 3TIMES
WORKING ON MY BUSINESS :white_check_mark: - 6 HOURS
NO PMO :white_check_mark: - DAY 0

:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

I’m happy to be back here! I’m going journaling every day.
My highest focus is on my new business. It’s time for me to start to create. I have a lot of creative energy to express in this new domain of my life.

NO PMO has to be a lifestyle, not an aim. I’m ready.

I start a new 5 am waking up routine. It’s necessary to be highly productive and to succeed in my business and in my life.

I’m glad to be here with all of you, my brothers. Hope we are doing great for Humanity.



Welcome back buddy …:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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6 hours of deep work on my business. It’s a good start, but I can do better! More and faster!

I have meditated twice. I’m going to meditate one more time, just before going to bed.

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COLD SHOWER :white_check_mark:
MEDITATION :white_check_mark: - 2 TIMES
WORKING ON MY BUSINESS :white_check_mark: - 4 HOURS
NO PMO :white_check_mark: - DAY 1

:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

I don’t know why… My alarm has been turned off. I woke up at 9 o’clock.

I realise that I’ll have to edit each entry in this diary every evening, just before going to bed. It’s not the most pratique. Maybe I’ll have to rethink the canva.



WAKE UP AT 5 AM :white_check_mark:
COLD SHOWER :white_check_mark:
MEDITATION :white_check_mark: - 2 TIMES
WORKING ON MY BUSINESS :white_check_mark: - 4 HOURS
NO PMO :white_check_mark: - DAY 2

:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

Today is a wonderful day to work hard!


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This is the right mindset. Putting in a ton of deep work creates massive improvements!
Get back from the relapse brother :facepunch: :facepunch:


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WAKE UP AT 5 AM :white_check_mark:
NO PMO [DAY 5] :white_check_mark:

Hello brothers!

I’m ready for a new day of hard-working on my business. All my focus is now on creating my business, discipline, strong mindset and my connexion with the Universe.


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:trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :trophy: :gift: :1st_place_medal:

MEDITATION [1 TIME] :white_check_mark:
BUSINESS WORK [8 HOURS] :white_check_mark:

It was a productive day! But I can do better! :sunglasses:




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NO PMO [DAY 6] :white_check_mark:


This is so stupid… I don’t know why I didn’t hear my alarm… Woke up at 11 am… I’m feeling terrible. What a waste of time!

I’m going to do my best to work hard and to meditate at least twice.


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