[26M] The_integrous_one's diary

Day 1
(Reading and Meditation were bare minimum)

Watched two movies with my family today and exercise wise I overdid it :sweat_smile:, hiit with dumbbells in morning, played basketball at two different courts which are at a distance to about 3 kms in between and I walked all that, walked a total of around 6 kms, overall 2 half court games and one full court game, awesome games. Went out at 5 and came back after 8 in evening :rofl:, 3 hours of playing.
Completed some official chores spent just about half an hour on it :joy:, will complete some others tomorrow.
I’m lowkey hoping it rains tomorrow :joy:, otherwise I’ll overdo exercise wise again. But actually I need it too, I had gained 5-6 kgs over last few months.
Anyway goodnight for now.


I forgot that even sad posts come with journaling here, so yeah I messdd up, Day 0 again :person_facepalming:, It’s liks I’ve forgotten the basics of no fap, you are supposed to not search for anything sexual or even remptely so, no matter what happens, I made this same mistake, some minor search which led to a couple of searches and eventually relapse.
I am having too much guilt about what I have done and how stupid I have become.
But anyway new start now, I hope it’ll be better this time.


Here for the morning journal
I’ve completely lost control in terms of no fap. Yes.
Every morning I have guilt and new motivation that yes I won’t do it again now, in the day I do my chores properly and by every evening that little monster in my mind dominates and Tricks me and unfortunately Telegram has become the main source of triggers now a days especially because I had nothing else to access on my work platform and mind has amusing ways of finding stupid things.
I can’t even leave Telegram completely because I have friends there.
Only solution I can think of now is to take a break from there atleast for a few days till I gain control and on platform I can only access it on laptop and I’ll make sure I don’t use laptop in personal space. Hmm seems fine.

For now I am in Goa for an official work related training. I just have few minutes to get ready now, will have to have breakfast and leave before 8:30 and I am still in bed :sweat_smile:. Ok then seeya.


18th August
Coincidentally, it has been exactly one month since I posted here.
I am mainly here because I wanna start over properly.
I also have a confession to make and I am sure I will get judged for what I am about to confess, Do read carefully though if you are reading this, It was around last month I was in Mumbai and I had nothing to do in hotel, I relapsed in afternoon that day and Idk what actually happened to me and I decided to book an escort, I got very positive that yes I am gonna do that and also lost some money in the process because the way I tried to approach was kind of fraudulent and then thankfully I didn’t go through with it, didn’t get my money back tho. Yup that’s where this addiction for lust took me. I am so damn thankful that God saved me that day, If I had gone through with it I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself for sure. I have still been full of regret since that day thinking how could I even think of doing such a thing, plus how could I waste my hard earned money which will never come back no matter what I do now and to be honest I have been feeling scared of myself since that day, I can only try but I can never justify what I did that day.
After that I immediately went to a temple nearby and thanked God for putting me in right mind before it got too late. Then I prayed to goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of money in hinduism) and prayed to forgive me for not respecting hard earned money, the value of money has increased so much in my eyes since that day. I think I was forgetting its value and hence I got this lesson that day.
I went clean for 20 days after that which was until two days ago, and as I said I got scared of myself at that time, well I still am scared of that monstrous part inside me. I could never in my right mind have done such a thing which I was about to do that day but then again in my right mind I would never relapse and still I do. I guess that’s what people call an addiction.
I will also have to stay in that hotel once in a while in which I was that day because it’s one of the official hotels which my organisation offers stay in, I’ll be reminded of the trauma every time I go there but I’ll have to make peace with it and If I replace the memory with positive memories It’ll get better I’ll just have to let time take care of things.
I couldn’t build up the courage to confess about all this to anyone but it was actually needed, I couldn’t tolerate this burden anymore and I have got this platform for dealing with this addiction specifically so yeah here I did it.
Any further questions, judgements or advices are welcome.

Now about my current scenario.
Well I relapsed yesterday and that continued till today. But I am here because I wanna make some changes, I am posting this from my new laptop, first post from new laptop, I am at my home currently, I will be leaving for 2 month long training day after tomorrow and I can actually get my shit back together in that training because it will be mostly chill and good socialisation will be there.
One I have gained weight over past couple of months since I joined job even when I had been fairly consistent with exercising, the main reason for it would be not taking care of my diet so whatever it takes no Junk food and no sugar from now on, plus I have recently started running (mainly on treadmill) to lose the extra fat that I have accumulated. In training for first 28 days I’ll have classroom training from morning 9:45 to evening 5, I can easily run and go to gym in morning and keep evening time for either playing or going out with friends, I’ll also mediate and read on a daily basis, I am in the middle of two books, Bhagawad Gita 1 shloka daily and reading the other book How to be a stoic for at least some time everyday.
Plus without journaling I have been finding half the things in my life have become meaningless, When I used to journal at the end of the day, I used to look forward to making my day well and doing well throughout the day as much as possible. So yeah gotta bring back the habit of journaling, I don’t have to go to platform in the middle of Arabian Sea at least for next two months (Until 23rd October) and I am looking forward to posting here everyday until then, After that let’s see if RC works on IOS on platform, it doesn’t work on windows. Even if it doesn’t I’ll do offline journaling to keep a check on myself but until and after that I am gonna journal here.
For tomorrow, I have a couple of things to take care of, First thing I am gonna do in morning is 1.Change into workout clothes, workout and meditate, 2. Clean my room a little bit Then 3. Get some work related approvals 4. Get some work related notes sorted. 5. Decide what I am gonna take with me and pack accordingly. 6. If I can find some time I’ll go to play in the evening and 7. Journal before sleeping.

I watched the show “After Life” by Ricky Gervais recently and I teared up in last episode, brilliant show. For now I am gonna watch the movie Groundhog Day and sleep, It’s an old classic feel good movie, let’s see if It can make me cry :joy:.
Oof feels good to go all out.


Trust me most of others including me are more F up. How can we judge someone when we ourselves are slaves of lust.

Obviously what you did was wrong. But we are in the place to JUDGE you.

Hoi wahi jo raam raachi raakha.

Story that ends well means everything is well (hope i wrote it correctly)


Bruhh :sob::sob:
I feel scared of my that part too. Don’t worry you didn’t cross the line.
I sometimes also think of doing that too and trust me when I get money it will be hard for me to not think about this.
Do some meditation and go out with friends…


Yeah bhai, bach gya and it was a good lesson.


Yeah but you can learn from my mistake now :sweat_smile:.

Yeah ab toh almost ek mahina ho gya uss baat ko, I thought at that time that I am not gonna relapse after this but I still fd up which made me realise that fear won’t get you anywhere, it never does, that’s why I faced it head on by confessing it here.


True … fear will not take us far…
I heard a guru ji speaking brahmcharya cannot be done while living in material world. In ashrams with their gurus it is possible. Otherwise we can only increase the time between relapses . But total control is very tough.


That’s why grihastha ashram is there, we should get married asap :joy: and later on in life we can go for that vanaprastha ashram


With all respect to all gurus and saint, i kinda disagree to them.

because brahmacharya are of two types -
Grihasth brahamcharya and naisthik brahmacharya.

So brahmacharya can be done.

But yes, he might be saying for this Kaliyug so his statement is generally correct in todays age.


respect your courage to post about this.
When we are sleepy + living alone with no others nearby who will hold us accountable it is easy to fall in sin. Thank God you did not fall.
Hope you find some good friends to keep you accountable even when you are away from family. By friends I mean people who are physically there.


Yeah bro, came back from the edge of the abyss.

Thanks dude. It’s just that many people whom I had been around find these things normal, I should take care and keep myself sane.


Day 1

  1. :white_check_mark:No junk food, no sugar
  2. :white_check_mark:Running/Cardio: 1000 skipping and 1000 steps jogging
  3. :white_check_mark:Workout/Strength training: 24 min push+pull HIIT with dumbbells
  4. :white_check_mark:Prayer
  5. :white_check_mark:Meditation
  6. :white_check_mark:Reading Bhagawad Gita
  7. :white_check_mark:Reading the daily stoic
  8. :white_check_mark:Planning for the next day
  9. :white_check_mark:Gratitude

I was so damn busy whole day today, I didn’t even bathe until later in evening, I had to get a lot of office related things done for attending training, had to make a couple of calls for that. Then in evening I found some time to workout etc., didn’t go running just got some exercise at home. Then I did packing for tomorrow which also took a lot of effort :joy:. After dinner found some time for reading, I almost made up my mind to miss reading but then I thought I have gotten almost all things done in above list, why miss 2 ticks and so I did it.
I have to leave home at 5:30 am tomorrow morning, I’ll have to wake up by 4:30 and get some things done before leaving, some trimming (beard and nails) and cover up a little bit of pending packing.
I am not sure if I’ll find time for any of the habits tomorrow, if my flight doesn’t get cancelled it’ll be fine, I’ll reach dehradun by 3-4pm otherwise whole day will go in travelling, I am saying this because already 2 of my flights had been cancelled because of weather in Himachal. Let’s see how things turn out.
P.S. I am going to Dehradun for training which will start from 21st August upto 19th of September.


I hope you have a nice flight brother :blush:

For some reason, I feel that this is the beginning of reaching new altitudes.
All the best man!


Thanks bro, let’s hope it doesn’t get cancelled :joy:.

Thanks man, let’s see.


After @The_integrous_one confession, I must tell my confession :- Last year I also wanted to book some online cam escorts via telegram. I never had money at that time. I never did that. Only Lord Kalabhairabh saved me. This year, I have a good earning resource now but such sh*tty things are not coming to my mind because of Lord’s blessings. God please forgive us. :pray:

Finally my main exam date is also out. 25 sept. Wish me luck. :pray:


In one way or another God saved us.

All the best dude.


Day 2

My flight didn’t get cancelled but still it took me almost eleven hours between the time I left home and reached here for training. Met a lot of friends and fortunately I am having a single room while no one else has a single room here :joy:, the person who was supposed to be my roommate got his training postponed so yeah will be staying alone in a double sharing room for next one month, I’ll have to wake up around 6 am because we are supposed to attend a one hour yoga class in morning 6:30-7:30 then we’ll have classes starting 9:30 am upto evening 5. I can make a proper routine here, didn’t do any of my habits today just did some prayers, will make sure to follow through my habit list tomorrow, for now it is better if I go to sleep directly. Goodnight.


I wish I had yoga class at this time. When I have a compulsory schedule or appointment , train at that time, I am able to get up at that time. But when there is no compulsion I am unable to wake up so early.


Day 3
Satisfying day. Will share the details sometime later, for now going to sleep.