[21m] NukePizza [Diary] - Making my dream real

17.06. 7:01am
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: :white_check_mark:
pushups (angled less instense for wrist): :white_check_mark: (30)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (12 consecutively!)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (50)
Stretching: :white_check_mark:
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (2min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 50 per side (short range reps, I only have a railroad track lmao I cant fully extend it, the reps are maybe 20cm, the rail is about 15kg)
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (50 on each side)
prepped meals: :white_check_mark:
ate 5 meals yesterday: :white_check_mark: (more or less. Maybe 4.5)

Cool song if you want to listen: Hensonn-Sahara - YouTube

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Every phonk song has such a gym vibe to it :100:

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18.06. 9:14am
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: no
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: :white_check_mark:
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (2min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 20 per side (short range reps, I only have a railroad track lmao I cant fully extend it, the reps are maybe 20cm, the rail is about 15kg)
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (60! on each side)
prepped meals: no time today but I have a lot of cookies to eat :smiley:
ate 5 meals yesterday: no, more like 3

Today is the big day, I have a course with 10 children who want to do blacksmithing. Its the hottest day of the summer today lmfao


it went good, I have 0 trust in the mother who sent these kids, I smell that shes fake and would backstab me if it was conveniet for her, I have 0 trust in her, I hope I dont see her again

good news: 130€ cash today


here is something I wrote today, maybe it is useful to you:

"you become what you think about

the source of your actions is your subconscious and your subconscious is absorbing all impressions you feed to it

if you feed lewd stimuli to it, it will act on them and give you hunches in this direction, urges etc, just as it will return to you anything else you plant in it

you can choose to impress stimuli onto your mind that move you in the direction of achieving your definite major purpose, your ultimate goal in life and believe it or not, you will achieve it

and just as readily it will return to you pmo triggers, urges and eventually relapse if you feed it with impressions of this kind. Its up to you to choose it"


19.06. 7:14am
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (13! consecutively)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (2min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 20 per side (short range reps, I only have a railroad track lmao I cant fully extend it, the reps are maybe 20cm, the rail is about 15kg)
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (50 on each side)
prepped meals: no, I should boil potato
ate 5 meals yesterday: no, more like 3

The course was so fucking exhausting, I made 8 knives with them and they are weak because they are kids so I had to do the heavy forging for each one but I improvised the whole thing and had the idea of what to do only 1 hour before the course started. I originally planned to do something else but could find the leather strip that was required for it. I instead thought of a better project and ended up making throwing knives with the kids (parents be like “wtf”) and I have a board onto which they could test it and they were very thrilled to do it. Now an idea came up. Next week there will be another faire ----> throwing 3 knives for a little money → win prize if you hit all 3 —> small prize for 2 etc. Sounds like a cool thing :smiley:


20.06. 7:04am
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: no
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (20)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: no
cleaned up my room in the evening: :white_check_mark:
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (2min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 20 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (20 on each side)


21.06. 7:19am
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: :white_check_mark:
pushups: :white_check_mark: (25)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (14 consecutively!)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening:
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (5min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 40 per side, then 25 per side, then 5 per side, 15kg
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (30 on each side)

I finally slept enough by going to bed early and this morning I had a lot more strength. I managed 14 consecutive pullups! And in total 70 reps of bicep curls per arm. I can achieve anything! Believe in yourself, you can do the thing!


22.06. 1:27am
Getting up at 6am: no, I got home at 0:30am and the next morning a student needed emergency help. Usually I wake up at 6am, thats a normal time
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (15 consecutively! New record)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (40s)
cold shower: no
cleaned up my room in the evening: no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (3min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 20 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (25 on each side)

Im completely exhaused. Yesterday was the faire, I worked all morning preparing the faire with the others and making my own preparations, then doing all the activites for the faire like forging and knifethrowing and I earned about 70€. I gave 10 to one of the boys who helped me and 20 to the man who owns the place. 40€ left. But I also need to pay for the prizes for winning the knifethrowing game (20€) and steel + coal (20€). Lmfao, I made no profit.

Im angry because I only got home at 0:30am (and I sleep around 9pm usually) so I strained myself way beyond what Im comfortable with and the next morning my student wanted help so I had to do that too, now I feel very discontent because there was not even a profit at the end of it XDDDXDXDX fuck

solution: believe and succeed. This was a big ad for me, the people came and saw me and now know about me. They will turn into customers and friends and they enjoyed it very much so it was worth it. Also I was very useful so Im on the force of good and everyone knows about it and thats very valuable too


I began something. I want to have completely controlled quiet environment. No clutter on the table. No sht lying around in the room. No news or ads distracting me, ever anywhere. Not on my phone and not on my desktop. This is a new evolution. Always clean desktop. Im throwing everything out which I don’t need. I want my room to include a bed, table and drawers, and apart from it, nothing.

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23.06. 7:31
Getting up at 6am: no, alarm wasnt set
Jogging: :white_check_mark:? I ll jog to the train
warm water on empty stomach: :white_check_mark:
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: no
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (20)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (30s)
cold shower: no
cleaned up my room in the evening: no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (2min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 20 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (10 perside)

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I’m installing ubuntu to unclutter my whole desktop. Im starting anew with a completely new system, all cleaned up. Everything unnecessary will be thrown out, I want a silent environment!

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24.06. 7:01
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: :white_check_mark:
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (16 consecutively! New record:trophy:)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (80)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min 20s (new record):trophy:)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (40s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: :white_check_mark:
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (3min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 30 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (40 per side)

:white_check_mark:” on everything? :white_check_mark: :trophy:


25.06. 7:29
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: no
pullups: no
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (40s)
cold shower: no
cleaned up my room in the evening: :white_check_mark:
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (1min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 10 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (60 per side)


26.06. 7:00
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: (10)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (3)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: :white_check_mark:
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (1min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 10 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (60 per side)


27.06. 7:13
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: no
pullups: :white_check_mark: no
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (45s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: :no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (1min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (2min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 10 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (60 per side)

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28.06. 7:57
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: no
pullups: no
back exercises: no
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: :no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (1min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 40 per side
side-hip-raises: no

I got news! I started a “mistake book” into which I write all mistakes of the day and what I learned from them so I don’t make them again, I think this will mean a lot over a lifetime


That’s a nice idea bro, even I heard in a video last night that we should sit down at the end of the day before sleeping and think about what mistakes we did and how to correct them.
I this did while preparing for competitive exam and it surely helped, I am sure it is gonna help in general as well.

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29.06. 7:03
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: no, I walked about 800m but no running
warm water on empty stomach: :white_check_mark:
pushups: :white_check_mark: (20)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (17 consecutively! New record)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: :white_check_mark:
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (3min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 40 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (50)

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30.06. 7:02
Getting up at 6am: :white_check_mark:
Jogging: :white_check_mark:
warm water on empty stomach: no
pushups: :white_check_mark: (5 with my hands really close together, try it! Its very difficult)
pullups: :white_check_mark: (10)
back exercises: :white_check_mark: (30)
Stretching: touching toes: :white_check_mark: (1min)
stretching: neck: :white_check_mark: (35s)
cold shower: :white_check_mark:
cleaned up my room in the evening: no
Meditation: :white_check_mark: (4min)
Stretching for better back posture: :white_check_mark: (1min)
auto-suggestion in the morning and in the evening: :white_check_mark:
bicep curls: :white_check_mark: 40 per side
side-hip-raises: :white_check_mark: (50)