(20M) Rewire's Transformation Journey 2023-24 šŸ”„

I have exercised and workout in these 4 days.
And eating peanut butter bread banana twice a day.
So, I thought :sweat_smile:
Maybe itā€™s the machineā€™s fault. Or the weight of my clothes.


Your weight is accurately measured on an empty stomach and as naked as possible. All aspects add on to weight bro. Adding on 1 kg of muscle in 4 days is not possible at all. Itā€™s just food, water and clothes. Trust me on this. Try it out for yourself. Check your weight before you sleep tonight. Then in the morning right after you wake up, without drinking water also, empty your stomach and check your weight. Itā€™ll reduce. Iā€™m more shredded in the morning. By the evening I feel fatā€‹:rofl::rofl:


What the hell I just measured it,
Itā€™s showing 41.6 kg.
Oh man why did you asked me.
Canā€™t you see me happy.
I was so happy that I have gained some even though it was illusion.
You are my enemy :joy::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why govind why did you do this to me.
Thanks Man for the guidance.
Will definitely change myself this year.


U check ur weight after doing exercise or empty stomach that will give accurate as @GOVIND-19 said


Just eat macha! Try to eat as much as possible. Thereā€™s a quote by Dwayne the rock Johnson that I keep in mind while working out- " the reps that actually count are the ones that you do when it hurts like hell and you think you canā€™t do more".

In your situation, it should be, the only calories that actually count are the ones from the food you eat when your stomach is full and you canā€™t eat anymore! Iā€™m serious


Yeah brother :fire::handshake::muscle:
Will try my best.
This quote motivated me as well.
Thanks for sharing.
Will never give up.
And Wish the same for you.
You are gonna become the best brother in this year brother!

P.s- Why didnā€™t you tell me that you are fan of deathnote, man I am die hard fan of it :blue_heart:.
If you understand hindi then you should hear rap by the real insane on L. Amazing brother.

Good night bro :fire:


I have no doubt that you will make me a proud bro! Keep at it! And I have watched a lot of anime and to me deathnote is the best anime of all time, however my favourite anime is Hunter X Hunter. And anime wise, thereā€™s a training sequence in my hero academia where deku gets from being skinny to ripped. Itā€™s really motivational. Give it a watch!


Thanks brother, for sharing it.
It was really a motivational one. Nothing comes without hard work and patience.
Now, I donā€™t expect immediate results, I know it will take time .
But I am not gonna give up.
I will do whatever it takes to become what I desire.
And definitely bro will not disappoint you.
:fire: :muscle:

2021 will be the Year of my transformation.


Today I am eating like,

:sweat_smile: Just trying to eat a bit more everyday.
Since, I have a habit of eating less and telling that I have enough.
Trying to fix it.
And make my body comfortable with it.



Haha same here brother! :laughing:
Iā€™ve started to eat a lot more too. (2 times what I usually eat) Almost to the point where I canā€™t eat any more. :tired_face:
But be careful bro! You must eat salads, drink at least 4 litres of water everyday and chew food properly. Or things might backfire. :grimacing:


Good going Bois! Keep hogging!:joy: I love how you both used Sashaā€™s gif for heavy eating :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I am sorry my friends,
I relapsed.
I had a filthy dream, I donā€™t even know the girl who was in my dream. But she was so beautiful, that I was thinking about her the whole day. And about the triggers which were in my dream.
I defeated the urge in the morning very easily.
But While I was studying, I suddenly remembered it again and then the flow continues.
ā– ā– ā– ā–  then masturbation then a ton of regrets.
It was the same, I said to me I will just find a po*n similar to my dream. And unfortunately I found a similar one.
And then everything got out of control.
I am sorry guys.
I am trying to stay away from everything.
Which reminds me of ā– ā– ā– ā– .
The regret after is like, why the fuck am I alive.
I am just wasting my life.
I have nothing to do with my life no goals anything.
I am just fucked up.
Lying in the room doing nothing, and just masturbating.
Who the fuck lives like that !
I am sorry guys, I am so mad at me.
Why am I so stupid.
And not able to surpass even 12 days.
I am such a disgrace to this world.
What in the world should I do now !
I will be back when I am stronger and better.
This Year too.


I canā€™t write motivational shit like the rest of the people here, Iā€™m not talented that way. But I do have a vast and continuing knowledge in movies series and anime. So here are some motivational videos from the best.


Lol in I was looking at the second thumbnail and suddenly I saw @anon65589122 xD (well, his dp at least).

@rewire_user this is not the end. Resist, you must. Become stronger, you will.


Lol same I saw @anon65589122 and was surprised xd


:sweat_smile: @debellator @Dean_Ambrose I donā€™t watch much anime. But I watched Naruto completely. And the guy Itachi Uchicha one of the wisest I have seen in movies or series.

ā€œPeople live their lives bound by what they see as right and true. Thatā€™s what they call reality.ā€

Profound quote. We can relate to that from a recent event :sweat_smile:
Whatā€™s your favorite character?


Bro, if I was in your condition I wouldā€™ve felt the same way as well. I too have gone through all these same thoughts; even suicidal thoughts one after the other when I enter into chaser effect. But now look back; has that done any good to you??
Being hard on yourself and all these negative thoughts? No! It"LL only increase the pain and will lead to another relapse.
Read these important posts and get back up. We are all struggling bro. We are all in pain and we are together in this!!!

Understand this: you are not alone!!! Everyone is crying, Iam in pain and depression and fucking flatline as well. But endure it bro; somehow weā€™ll go through it because this is our life and no fucking ā– ā– ā– ā–  can take it away from us now




7 Days Study Challenge

Status Day [ Study Hours ]
:white_check_mark: Day -1 (6 Hours)
:x: Day-2 (4 hrs)
:watch: Day-3 ()
:watch: Day-4 ()
:watch: Day-5 ()
:watch: Day-6 ()
:watch: Day-7 ()

Letā€™s How much can I push !

Minimum ~ 6 hours

:muscle: :fire:


I was irregular all these times.
Was taking Break from all this, Now the time has come !
To gain momentum once again

Letā€™s Achieve Greatness :fire:

Starting from Tomorrow !
20 Days Left for exam !
Now, No time to waste.

Nothing else in my mind other than
:arrow_right: Studying
:arrow_right: Meditation
:arrow_right: Exercise
:arrow_right: Healthy Diet
No thought other than these things will cross my mind.

For these 20 Days what I am going to sacrifice

:arrow_right: Attack on titans Season 4
:arrow_right: No anime (Only deathnote instrumental music for studying)
:arrow_right: Social Media free morning
:arrow_right: Not wasting time on eating (I watch anime and eat for 2 hours)
:arrow_right: My sleep (Wake up before 8 am )
:arrow_right: No Youtube before 8pm and not more than 1 hour !

Will Give my best Shot !
:fire: :crossed_swords:

Greatness is coming for us !

@nofapstar123 I lost zero hours of studying. Went out to attend a function and after coming back just wasted time.


You got this bro. I feel the power in your words. I am sure you will do whatever you said.

All the best.