Feb 17

:white_check_mark: Wake up (4: 45 am)
:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Deep work (2 hour)
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (Morning, 15 mins)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation and Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling in the evening
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Gratitude journal
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading (The Secret)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: Evening meditation
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11

Work: 8 hours




Thats the tagore we all want to see! literaly beast! :sunglasses:


Thanks brother @nofapstar123 . We all are together an we’ll achieve greatness no matter what.
Nothing in this world can stop us from doing it except ourselves.

Lets defy the odds and Master our minds!



Feb 22

:x: Wake up (7 am)
:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:x: Deep work (1 hour)
:x: Om Chanting
:x: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (15 mins)
:x: Affirmation
:x: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Workout
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:x: Gratitude journal
:x: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading
:x: Pray in the evening
:x: No TV
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:x: Mindful eating + chew 22+ times
:x: No junk food

Work: Fucked up

I have been out of discipline for some days now. Time to come back has arrived. Tomorrow onwards I’ll report my routine here daily.
I want success! I want nothing else. God, Iam ready to die or kill some one if I succeed as a writer.
Nothing in this world will stop me; no one can hold me back. There is a beast within me and once I put flame on him he’l destroy everything. He don’t need sleep, he don’t need food, he craves for nothing but SUCCESS

He is very dangerous and Iam unleashing him!!!


Just take a look for a moment on how many people look up to you man you’re inspiring a lot of guys to improve their lives - you need to be proud of yourself.
One day u will leave those forums and just think about all the impect you will leave on this community man - there would never be another person like you. Those big words which are full with!!! are full with energy. your words and speeches will continue to inspire others cuz you are spirit more than you’re a person whatever you accept this or not.

Yeah today you did “only” half of the job which needed to be done but the flame is burning within you, u are already a spirit brah you need to realize that you’re a strong and a free spirit. Tomorrow you will accomplish more, you got this in your soul just looking on your journey shows that you can become greater.

Everything has it’s own time pal it’s been less then a year since you’ve joined the rewire community and you did a lot of job, don’t believe me? Just look around and see the people around you your brothers to know that indeed you made a long walk.
U gonne make it bro you’re young and you know how to walk, unleash the beast within you bro it wants to get out and take over you it will take over ye soon enough. Unleash the beast and acheieve your final victory over thyself. Keep motivating others pal I believe in you :fire:


@anon60348276 is very right, you are inspiring us all, but I want to warn you after my relapse. Loss of discipline is often an early precursor to a relapse. So be sure to get back on track ASAP.


I also need to take care of this I am getting out of track now a days.


:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:man I feel fire rising inside me just by reading these lines.


Brothers @anon60348276, man these words come from the heart. It means a lot; yes, this community has helped me a lot too. Without you all I would still be inside my dark room doing nothing but fapping my life off. We got this; we all will be free this time. This is our year bro.
Yes bro @debellator , discipline is the best tool to succeed in nofap. If we are disciplined we’ll only experience less than half of the urges we may face otherwise. Thank for being here in this journey; we are together
Haha bro @The_integrous_one all of us has this fire inside us. We are born with that. The only thing is fapping reduces the depth of it. Unleash the beast and we all will succeed!


Feb 23

:white_check_mark: Wake up (5 am)
:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Deep work (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (40 mins)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling early in the morning
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Full body stretching
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Gratitude journal
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading (The Power of your Subconscious Mind)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Plan for tomorrow

:white_check_mark: Work: 9 hours


I really inspired by @Tagore brother on your this writing. I like or want to start writing about daily tasks along with nofap challenge .I m addicted to many things like fapping those are almost you have been wrote here.I need to improve myself because still this moment i earned nothing in life .Just wasted more time.I have many fear and i like to say some of that .Fear of failure,rejection,judgement,missing out,change etc.I really want to break the chain where i locked .I need your suggestions not only @Tagore bro anyone who see my writing .For my better person and explore a world under my control for the wellbeing of people .


Bro @dingan starting a diary is a great idea. You’ll be accountable to all of us so you’ll push much harder to get shit done.

You can change all this things bro. Neuroplasticity has taught us that our Brian is extremely malleable. Just work on yourself. Be disciplined; get over the addiction and work hard on your goals. Also read books like the power of your subconscious mind. We all are together in this :handshake::handshake::muscle::muscle:


Feb 24

:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (30 mins)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Full body stretching
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Gratitude journal
:white_check_mark: Mindful eating + chew 22+ times
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading (The Power of your Subconscious Mind)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11

:x: Wake up (5 am)
:x: No TV

Work: 7 hours


Feb 25

:white_check_mark: Wake up (5 am)
:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Deep work (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (20 mins)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Gratitude journal
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading (The Power of your Subconscious Mind)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: No YouTube
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11

Work: 6 hours (family issues)


Bro this is beautiful :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blush:


That Tagore Who Is Unstoppable


March 1

:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Deep work (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (20 mins)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Soorya Namaskar (5)
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Gratitude journal
:white_check_mark: Meditation on Vajrasana after lunch (10 mins)
:white_check_mark: Reading (Digital Minimalism)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: YouTube (Useful content: 15 mins)
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11

:x: Wake up (6 am)

:white_check_mark: Work: 9 hours

A new month, a new beginning and showing no mercy on the deamons in my way!
Destroying my goals

BEASTMODE :muscle::muscle::muscle:

I bought a fucking flip phone the other day and Iam completely downgrading into that shit.
This godamn smart phone is not making us smart brothers! It is making us dumb.
YouTube, social media, WhatsApp, chrome! It is killing my creativity and Iam done with this shit!
Join me guys, in this movement to regain total control over our life.

Get a flip phone. Throw away the slot machine in your hands which looks innocent: YOUR SMART PHONE.

Its high time that we realise what this shit is doing to us and take some serious steps to get our life back. Now my friends may consider me as a lunatic and will mock me but one day they’ll look up to me saying: “God, he was right! Look where he is right now. If only I had did the right thing; the right time”


March 2

:white_check_mark: Wake up (5 am)
:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Deep work (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam
:white_check_mark: Meditation (15 mins)
:white_check_mark: Affirmation
:white_check_mark: Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling (1 hour)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Gratitude journal
:white_check_mark: Journal in the evening
:white_check_mark: Meditation on Vajrasana (after lunch) ( 15 mins)
:white_check_mark: Reading (Digital Minimalism)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: YouTube (Useful content: 15 mins)
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Shutdown Meditation (night; 10 mins)
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11

:white_check_mark: Work: 9 hours

Life is on fire now; nofap is like rocket fuel. My creativity is sky rocketing; thinking is very clear, focus is increasing; improvement taking place in every way.
Today in philosophy class I asked two questions and sir was dumb struck and said: He couldn’t express his happiness in words to hear such thought provoking and powerful questions.
Iam not boasting here. You can achieve this too.

Convert the entire focus into life. Forget everything else; meditate ruthlessly, exercise

Want to know the golden rule of nofap?




If you see an erotic image in TV, ad, anywhere suddenly turn your head.
If you follow only this 1 rule you’ll be able to conquer yourself

My formula is:

As far from sensual pleasure you are, as close to success you have reached!

BEASTMODE :muscle::muscle::muscle:



Porn Can Kill Nofap Can Heal


Very awesome quote bro! :wink: