2021 last man standing challenge

Say 63 Early Check-in :white_check_mark:

I was away from the app for a few days and damn, the time was hard.

I lost all motivation in life, just dropped into bed and sad and dark thoughts came to my mind.

I somehow managed to not relapse, it was hard but I got through.

I did not peek, did not fantasise, did not touch myself etc.

I did go for a walk yesterday and it was worth it to do Nofap.
When I’m outside, I used to be anxious if people would see me in a bad dress or just it would embarrass me .
Now though, I do not even care to look at anyone, I look forward, not down and go ahead with confidence of a lion.
I don’t care who sees me, I just am there, I don’t care about these silly things anymore.

And if anyone is thinking of leaving the app or forum, Forget it,

And lastly, Brahmacharya even elevated me to different being, I knew everyone around me is thinking about having great sex or getting a good partner but I , I just feel pathos, the thought power you need to put into such thoughts can be used for a bigger and greater purpose.


Some Asanas or yogic postures for semen retention or sexual transmutation or in the yogic terms converting veerya (semen) into Ojas Shakti for the brain.

(Above all, offcourse to avoid wet dreams. Though many other factors are also responsible for this including thought process, food habits, discipline etc these asanas and Meditation can help a lot.

  1. Shirshasana- Known as the king of Asanas. The benifits this Asana brings are inumerable and scientifically proved now. It makes the blood, oxygen etc flow into the brain like waterfalls, for each and every internal organ this is good and two, three pages are required to write about the benifits of this Asana. For us, Fapstronauts this Asana helps in convertiing semen into Ojas Shakti for the Brian.

  2. Shashngasana- queen of asanas. Innumerable benifits. Please Google it to learn more; If I decide to write all of it here then this whole day I have to sit writing about it. Along with avoiding laziness, providing self control, curing insomnia, depression it can provide you the strength for facing any hard situation in life upto the point of becoming emotionless, if you want.
    BUT DAILY PRACTICE IS NEEDED for months and years but just by doing for 2 days itself you’ll start reaping benifits

  3. Siddhasana- Known as the perfect pose. It is written in Maharishi Patanjali’s text that if you Practice siddhasana for 12 years + thoughts on self and Brahman you can achieve Moksha or liberation. This is one of the best Asanas to control sexual urges, lust etc. Along with reducing stress, keeping the mind alert, calming the nervous system, activating the chakra which helps in awakening kundalini energy it helps in practicing celibacy by stabilizing and improving sexual energy due to the position of the heels of the leg. To learn more Google or search in YouTube.

  4. Matyasana- Practice this after doing Sirshana and Saravangasana (both of them together called viparitha karani mudra) to reap the total benifits of viparitha karani mudra. This is very helpful for general health, improves immunity and much more.

  5. Paschimottanasana and padahasthasan- Allows the prana move through sushumna Nadi which allows the kundalini to awaken, strengthens and purifies it. Calms the brain, relieve stress, avoids mild depression and much more. Above all, by making the blood flow fastly into the Brian your mental strength will improve drastically. There are inumerable other health benifits as well. Google!

  6. Sashangasan- do it before going into Sirshanasan. Blood flows into the brain, helps in converting sexual energy into Ojas Shakti for brain.

  7. Maha Bandha- To simply define this in the words of a yoga master: “the purpose of bandhas is to move prana up the Sushumna (the main channel for the flow of nervous energy up the spinal column). This upward movement of energy is the goal of yoga in the classical sense of the word”. In scientific terms bandhas influence the secretion of hormones released by the pineal gland i.e., dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin etc. Rewiring will be faster, brain power increases, spirituality improves. It stimulates the function of whole endocrine system therefore helps control your mood, growth and development, the way our organs work, metabolism and reproduction. Revitilize each and every cell in the body, prepares the mind for deeper Meditation and much more.

  8. Pranayama - The best thing you can do for semen retention and to uplift your life instantly. Bhastrika and anulom vilom are very helpful for Brahmacharya. There are many easy and powerful Pranayams you can practice including Kapalbanti (revitalise the whole body. Like Sirshasana, its benifits are inumerable), agnisar, shithali breath, anulom vilom, Bramri, bhastrika etc.

  9. Ashwini mudra- very helpful for semen retention, sexual health, awakening the dormant of kundalini Shakti etc. Much more health benefits like cures all the diseases of rectum and anus, cures constipation, controls prana that tends to move downward and escape from the body and turns the prana upward, conquers stress and depression and much more.

  10. Omkar Chating or Gayatri mantra if interested. It purifies the mind. It can be used for Meditation.

Do this regularly to reap real benefits.

To achieve real strength of semen retention along with Asanas and pranayama eradicate lust from your mind- make thoughts pure i.e., view mother in all girls including p*stars, or view what is inside their body- viens, blood, bones, secretion and internal organs with vomit-producing smell, do fasting, Practice mitahara or moderation in food, avoid negative emotions, wake up at 4 am- most of the wet dreams take place in the 4th quarter of sleep, so if you wake up at 3 or 4, you can avoid many of them, Meditation, Soorya namaskar, satsanga or good company etc.

As I learn about more about Asanas and Brahmacharya I’ll update, for interested people.

For people who are looking for a good start in yoga, this is a good one :point_down::point_down:


Thanks @Tagore , I took many screenshots, will implement them ASAP.


Truth @zorim
Well said.


Sincerely @_TIGER @Dvija @Tagore , join the thread to express your learnings in Brahmacharya.

Let the knowledge reach everyone and not be lost.


Checking in for day 112 . :heavy_check_mark:


Day 12 :white_check_mark:

One who cannot abandon everything, Cannot achieve anything! :clinking_glasses::fire:

I will just keep moving Foward until I achieve Freedom! :confetti_ball::fire:


Check in day 35 :white_check_mark: :pray::muscle:


Day 85 ,:white_check_mark: got the prince badge

1 Like

Hi can i join the challenge
My sharing code is 094z88


@maya Yes you can join in royal rumble challenge .wait @Tagore will add you


Day 13 :white_check_mark:

Don’t Give Up, The Beginning is always the Hardest :fire::clinking_glasses:

I will just keep moving Foward until all my enemies are destroyed! :muscle:


Check in day 36 :white_check_mark: :pray::muscle:


Checking in for day 114 :heavy_check_mark:


Day 14 :white_check_mark:

Last Night was tough, But I remember I have got way too far to return to that trash again.

I will Keep Moving Foward until all my enemies are destroyed! :clinking_glasses::fire:


Check in day 37 :white_check_mark: :pray::muscle:


Day 250 (Without PMO) + Day 93 (Without MO) :white_check_mark:

Thanks :metal:


I lost the challenge and the chaser is on

Checking in for day 115 .
What is chaser?


When you relapse, you usually tend to go back to multiple relapses since you already broke your streak.
It’s chaser effect and you chase those PMO feelings by relapsing multiple times after the end of a streak.

If you can get up and continue Nofap immediately after a relapse, it will not affect your rebooting mind much and you can get back up to those benefits pretty easily.
But, that’s easier said than done, that’s why chaser effect is bad.