Streak is just the number of days. It tells your past. Not your future. Your quality of the day tells how much fuel you have left to go further. For example you are on day 7 and If its a good day, Then for a relapse, Your quality has to decrease gradually from 100 to 90 then 80 and so on. This will take time for a relapse and you will reach day 15 or 20.
You have 8 to 13 days left in relapse. But for example you are on day 250 but the quality level is 30. Then after 2 to 3 days, you will relapse. So day 7 is better than day 250.( just a specific type of comparison. I know day 7 person has to face stronger urges and monsters). It does not matter for how long a plane is flying. If it is near ground, it will crash. Time does not decide the fate. The position and height decides the fate.
Also, the quality of the thought process is more important than the quality of your daily routine.
People WITHOUT meditation and exercise and good diet CAN QUIT if they have a good quality thought process. But PEOPLE WITH EXCELLENT DALY ROUTINE, WITH MEDITATION AND EXERCISE CANNOT QUIT IF THEIR THOUGHT PROCESS IS LOW QUALITY. If they think they are missing out on PMO, if they think PMO can reduce their stress and relax them, if they think how lucky the PMOers are, THEY CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY QUIT!!!.
Improve the quality. Focus on your level, not on your streak. If you keep getting triggered by the same picture on day 250 that triggered you on day 7, you are on the same level.
For improving your quality of thought process and becoming super strong mentally, READ THE EASY PEASY WAY BOOK. It will destroy the attraction of PMO for you and you will see PMO as disgusting, foul tasting and vomit producing shit.