Why do You view porn and fap?

When you fap why do you do it?

Some suggestions from personal experience ;
You think the urges are too strong for you so it’s easier to give in than fight them all day
You think it will make you feel good and happier
You’re bored and want stimulation
Careless clicking on the pc leads down the same path maybe boredom again
You want that high to escape those painful feelings
You ‘need’ relief
You feel rejected by girls (pixel porn girls won’t reject you)
You feel depressed
You think porn is good for you or it’s harmless that it’s not hurting anybody
You say I’ll fail now but after that never again


Here’s one for me that you haven’t mentionned.
You want to check if there are any new videos/ curiosity


porn & fapping is an addiction. We do it because its like something we cant do without.
We have become so weak & retarted We know that it is making us weak but we cant help it.


Can’t fight the urges the entire day because it’s exhausting and I’m mostly depressed before such urges start, that’s for me

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(Careless clicking on the pc leads down the same path maybe boredom again) this is me.

Stay away from the internet as much as you can people.

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I don’t watch it anymore.
I found it boring.
That’s a change on myself due to this app.

I still masturbate sometimes but not to porn anymore


Its called hypofrontality

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The idea is not to get even slightly edged by staying away from ((any)) erotic material even the slightest(eg. Pic on facebook) will start the depolarization (firing in the neurons that you built over years of porn) in your brain and will start accumulating urges until you cant handle it


“Missing porn” is just the excuse you create for yourself after you get so much urges, Its a legendary trick by the mind

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I guess the brain would be missing it’s dopamine hit hence the recurring urge to get satisfaction then perhaps you tell yourself I’m missing porn but in fact you are missing the excitement and arousal and pleasure that porn provides leading to the peak pleasure of orgasm which is very short lived of course.
Just like a drug addict and how many happy, successful and fulfilled drug addicts have I heard of?

I didndidn’t understand this.
Is this a good thing or bad? Can you explain it to me?

Well simply you created a neuronal pathway in your brain associating porn with the normal sex pathway and among the years the you neglected the sex pathway and kept feeding into the porn one that caused rewiring in your brain, so now everytime (especially after abstinence for long time) you view any picture that has a slight relashion to porn you are starting the depolarization among the neurons of porn pathway and that pic that you saw is still there in your memory and the brain wants you to keep thinking of that because what it thinks is “Porn is how I transmit my genes to the next generation” that is what you did when you changed the normal sex pathway among years. And because it thinks that it will Force you into seeing more now or later. So avoid any content at all and at the same time start rewiring your brain into “real sex if possible” or associate poen with pain, like everytime you have urges just hit the side of your hands together forcefully and pain and porn will be a new pathway in your brain, and although it takes time, it works.


Repetition compulsion masquerading as a “need.”

Oh Ok.
I’m a neuroscience enthusiast so I like this kind of stuff.



Glad. I’m also the same. Stop P and then stop MO eventually. Day 5 now of no PMO.

Because of… some natural biological things I have to learn to control?