What do YOU do to keep yourself from masturbating when the urge strikes?

I am trying to stop masturbating period. I don’t like masturbating. I want to be able to not masturbate ever again BUT ITS LITERALLY SO HARD!

I’ve been trying NoFap for several years. Used to look at porn but haven’t even looked at it since I met my girlfriend this May. Sex with her isn’t an option until marriage. I was doing WONDERFUL. Haven’t masturbated or anything. Then I saw my girlfriend in a way I should not have (will not give context as that’s our business) and now I can’t stop masturbating.

I have tried ignoring the urge for the most part… Just study study study and hope it goes away. It never goes away.

Generally it occurs when I am studying but it can happen any time anywhere. Once I get married I know my girlfriend will be very willing to have lots of sex as she has a sex drive as high as mine. But until that time… It is SO HARD to stop whacking off!!!

What is some advice from y’all? What do you do?


@IAmAMan, I understand it might be hard. It’s hard not to think of something, so you’d be better off trying to channel your thoughts to something else instead.

Are you interested in what you’re studying, or you’re just trying to fool the urge?
Besides sex, what is the thing that pumps you the most in this life? This should probably be your focus then. Good luck!

Something that gets me pumped… I’ll contemplate that

I do enjoy what I study (nursing) but I don’t want to make it my life.

I’ll think about that!

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Few that works for me,

  1. Think 1 day at a time, today I’m not going to do it.
  2. Work out and tire myself out
  3. Stay away from alcohol, alcohol kind of numbs urges but temporarily, the moment it wears off it’s a huge surge of urge which is harder to control.
  4. Meet people, hang out with friends more often and keep busy most of the time.
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  • Watch your diet.

  • Exercise regularly

  • Avoid borderline or tempting kinds of pics and videos.

  • Minimize Sexual Fantasies

The chaser effect is when you have urges to masturbate after 1-3 days of your last relapse. It’s going to be there if you keep relapsing. Hope this helps a little… :ok_hand:

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I have maken Urge as my enemy. I have personified my urge. Each time the urge comes to fuck me… i draw my sword of discipline out. I CUT THE URGE IN TWO FUCKING PIECES.
if the urge proves too strong then i draw my 2ND SWORD OF TRYING AGAIN.
Keep Swinging the 2 swords if you wanna win this Battle


I would say there are 2 ways whoch you can choose, depending on which works better for you. Either you fight your urges and consider them as enemies (lile Resurrection suggested), either you try to mock them and make them powerless. After all, you can’t fap without really wanting it right? So as long as you dont want to fap, you won’t. Try to keep in this mindset when you are aroused.
Finally, try to think more about why these urges come. Sure, they are natural and a part of life, but why would you want to fap, since you already have a gf who gives you all the love you need? Try to tell yourself that fapping would just be like cheating her because you’re having sex with another person (yourself).
Btw, I find your decision not to have sex with her until marriage really inspiring. People these days don’t really understand that sex is a thing that can destroy or lower the quality of a relationship if done too early and without real consideration.
Keep faith you can do it man!


I really understand you. I’m Catholic, and I believe on waiting until marriage too.
It’s hard for me too because my gf has a high sex drive as mine too, so I really REALLY understand you.
We are making some limits for us, like no visit her/me when we are alone, not staying too late on her/mine house, etc. You will know what’s best for you and your gf.
I know it’s hard not to see her with desire, I think it’s “normal”, but you can try doing things to see her in other ways. I think it’s easy for me to see her with tenderness as with desire, but I try to see her with tenderness over the desire.
When I’m alone at home, I try not to thinking or having sexual fantasies with her, going to sleep early. If you are a prayer guy (i guess you are), I try to be as closest to God as possible, without him I will relapse everytime I got a chance.
If you are Catholic too, you know the sacraments.
If you are Christian as Protestants, talk with your counselor. When the sins are hidden, is harder to be victorious.
I use an app called Victory app. It’s made from a Catholic community, but it may help you too.
You know you have people supporting you here!

Thank you everybody!!!

My girlfriend and I are trying to work harder on self-control. We are head over heels in freaking love with each other and it’s so hard to resist each other sometimes when we talk (it’s an LRD relationship), and like @Drewberg 's girlfriend she has just as high a sex-drive as I do. We are mid-twenties.

I am a Protestant, for those wondering. I am grateful for those who recognize that Christians are human too and we aren’t perfect…

This a battle for both my girlfriend and me, we have our own battle individually and our battle together. We want to overcome. I know we can.

I may try to see if she would be willing to join this community. We can fight together.