Semen retention is overrated

I had a wet dream last week and I didn’t feel any different before it or after it. The only difference I felt was a little annoyed because I had to wash my sheets because of it.

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The placebo effect is strong for sure.I think it is all a matter of degree.Frequent ejaculation is bad.Strict semen retention for a very long time is bad too.Also ejaculation through masturbation doesn’t raise testosterone levels the way ejaculation through sex does for whatever reason.Wet dreams will never occur at the frequency of a pornoholic’s ejaculations so that would be a false comparison.


What a useless post, semen retention is not overrated, it’s the point of nofap! To not spill your semen unnecessarily.

I’m talking about how people say, ‘I just had a wet dream and I feel like trash now.’ There’s a different between normal nofap and semen retention. Semen retention is the hardest mode. It means no porn, no fapping, no sex, and no wet dreams. It pretty much just means don’t loose semen at all. But normal nofap let’s you have sex and wetdreams.There’s also Hard mode too. It’s almost the same as semen retention, but you can have wetdreams


I personally didn’t feel good after the last wet dream I had. I didn’t reset my counter though.I find it strange that anyone would.


I agree I don’t feel great after some wet dreams, but it’s not even close to what a relapse feels like

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But how do you control wet dreams my friend? It occurs subconsciously when you sleep to every guy, it’s an automatic bodily function…


That’s exactly what I’m trying to get at! That’s why I said, " Semen Retention is Overrated." Because you can’t control a wetdream for the most part, so why get upset about it?


Yeah we are saying the same thing, cheers bro wish u success on your nofap journey

Hard mode means to not pursue sex in any form, no masturbation, no sex, no orgasm.
The purpose of this method is to learn that you can be happy without sex, it is a very good way to take a brake from touching your penis and focus more on your life.
But it is totally allowed to have a wet dream since you cannot control it, it is just the body regulating. So If you have a wet dream you are still doing semen retention has it is intented.

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by definition not.
you can do hard mode and have a wet dream. There I agree
But semen retention means, that you keep your semen in. During wet dream it comes out. So, by definition you can’t do semen retention while having a wet dream.

@neveragaintw Said it best.
by definition not.
you can do hard mode and have a wet dream. There I agree
But semen retention means, that you keep your semen in. During wet dream it comes out. So, by definition you can’t do semen retention while having a wet dream.