Looking for a buddy

Current streak - day 2
Highest streak - 6 days
Age - 39
Gender - M
Location - Uk

Why I want a companion - help share success and be there for people with strong irges


Yeah I’m also on day 2 so we are on the same road, want to make the last 3 months of the year my best 90 days of my life.
Current streak - 2 days
Highest streak - 76 days
Age - 21
Gender - M
Location - UK


Hey dude add me i am 1 year in this yourney.
I have experience so i can give you some advice.
Relapsed after 30 days :confounded:

Current streak:0 days
Highest streak:30 days
Sharing code:e201b2

Bro when you started to fap and your counter shows 95 days streak but you rae saying you have 30 days highest streak whats this matter😂

Hey mate. Yeah mate add me.

Here is my sharing code nagp0o

Added you mate. Today’s a new day. Put it behind you and start again.

lets say no to porn together

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Sure mate my code is nagp0o add me

hey can i add you? Share your code. Mine: 79b786. I have been religiously trying Nofap atleast since jan 1 if this year but have gailed. 29 is my best streak in 2018 and today i am on day 20. I am really determined to end this year with 90 days streak and do eould love to have ypu as my companion.

add me. mine: 79b786. Let’s end this year beautifully.

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Add me for christian motivation: 066da2

Hi there. I’m Harish from Nepal and am 17. I have been in this since last 5 years. I want to quit this addiction anyhow. I have just relapsed. Add me

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