I feel disgusting

I made it to 20 days… My longest streak.
I only ever feel the urge to fap if I’m angry at my partner. I feel selfish, I want to quit this habit so bad because I feel so wonderful when I have a period of time without fapping. Right now feel hopeless, all those days gone. It makes me really really angry that I’ve let myself and god down.


You need to find something to release your
Anger on i suggest getting a boxing bag and punch it till you feel better again than go to your partner and have a great day maybe even pray(assuming you said you let god down)


I think that’s a great idea. I need to excersize to let this emotion out. And you’re also right, I need to pray more, for strength and endurance. Thank you for your suggestions.

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Anytime my friend when you find yourself you seek advice you know where to come and goodluck in your life.

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Es necesario perdonarse, reconocer que fallaste, pero que aún tienes la oportunidad de volver a intentarlo, la culpa no ayuda mucho sugiero te mires en el espejo y te pidas perdón por fallarte y por cómo te sientes. Y declares sobre tu vida que puedes lograr salir de esto. Y hacerlo mejor buscar mejores estrategias para lograrlo

Well you wouldn’t be wrong to feel angry. But what will you do different next time is the real question? Congrats on the 20 days btw; that’s not a small achievement.


Yes very true 20 days is very good… But yes if you don’t learn anything from it then it is a negative… “it’s only failure when you stop trying” right


Don’t worry. I felt that constantly but when I reflected on future hope, I become encouraged again :,)